Chapter 78: the third brother

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Sorry for the late upload there were technology issues.

Also in a couple days the new story will start coming out which will be Manipulation High.
George POV.

My head was throbbing, it felt heavy. Maybe it wasn’t actually my head, it could have actually been a bowling ball. Or it might be something else, who honestly knows?
It just felt too heavy to have in any position. I was lying down and it felt like it was going to break through the floor.

It felt like I should just allow myself to sleep forever, since it seemed as though I would never be able to feel energised again. As I attempted to get comfortable again, I noticed someone putting their hand on my shoulder. My eyes struggled to open, although I heard a voice that kept coaxing me to wake up.

“George… please wake up!” The voice begged, “you need to wake up right now… please.” I didn’t respond, but whoever was standing right above me sighed and sat down directly beside me. Sensing the warmth radiating from  my left I shifted over and began leaning into it.

That didn’t last long though, a moment after I got comfortable I was lightly shoved, with the same voice from earlier repeating what he was saying. “George, wake up!”
I reluctantly grumbled before opening my eyes and sitting up. “Finally,” I heard, and I looked over to see Karl sitting there.

“Karl?” I asked, suddenly looking around and seeing that we were in a cold, dark room. “What’s going on? Where are we?” 
“You are inside a room that none of you heroes will be able to escape from,” someone answered, and my head whipped around to see Wilbur standing by the door of the room.

“Wilbur? What’s going on?” I questioned, my brain still feeling hazy from when I woke up, if it wasn’t I probably would have figured out what was going on in seconds.
“What’s going on George is you and your friends are all going to die.” He answered nonchalantly, before giving me a smirk. “It seems that the drugs are still making you woozy.”

“You drugged me?” I questioned, attempting to sit up and Karl helped me, allowing me to lean my weight against him.
“Yeah I did. I had expected you to fight back more. You are a superhero after all, but maybe you are just one of the weaker ones. You might be the… Hawkeye of the group.”

As he spoke I gazed around the room to see three other people in there alongside me. Karl, who was literally beside me, who I was resting my weight on so that I didn’t fall over. His friend Foolish was also nearby, his face pale and his mouth kept in a quivering line.

In the far corner of the room, standing and staring silently at the ground was Philza. From where I was I couldn’t see his expression but I imagined it wasn’t a happy one. That’s when it finally clicked in my brain what Wilbur had actually said. “Wait, why would you think that I was a superhero?” I asked him. “I don’t have any powers.”

“Don’t try lying to me George… or the name 404 might seem more familiar?” Wilbur’s grin was continuously growing the entire time, as though this was the greatest day of his life.
“I’m not sure what you are talking about. I don’t know what you might think but I’m-” I was cut short by the taller brunette.

“Not 404. Well it doesn’t seem so anymore. What kind of hero falls in love with a villain? Especially one who he was meant to be spying on.” A low chuckle left his lips as he walked over to me and knelt down so that we were at eye level with each other. “It is sad George, but I’ll have you know that all of this is possible because of Philza over there. Isn’t that right Phil?”

My gaze, along with Karl’s gaze and Foolish’s gaze, shifted over to the corner. Phil was still refusing to look at anyone or anything except the floor, but if you looked close enough you could see him slightly quivering, clearly having heard every single word that was being said. “What does he mean Phil?” Karl said, and the blond’s gaze shifted slightly to look at us.

There was a tense silence in the room as Phil just stared quietly at Karl and I. We seemed to notice that neither of us were getting an answer, Wilbur noticed this too and so he explained himself. 

“You see boys, Philza decided to take his son who had superpowers and teach him to put his life on the line. He neglected his other two ordinary children and gave all the time he had to his super son.” Wilbur tutted as he caught Philza’s gaze. “At times it seemed he didn’t even remember he had more than one kid, and the one he did have he worked to the bone.”

In Philza’s eyes there was a look of disappointment. It was difficult to tell what he was thinking, however it was clear that he was definitely feeling guilty. The taller brunette stood up, having seen the guilt in his eyes. A low chuckle left his lips. “What do you think of that Phil? The fact that you are acting like you are the greatest parent ever, when god knows you’re not.”

“I’m sorry Wilbur,” he said quietly, avoiding looking at the brunette as he did, but we could tell that there were tears pricking in his eyes. “I know what I did was wrong and I want to make it up to you. Please don’t take this out on them. They’ve done nothing wrong, let them go at least, don’t hurt them.”

“It’s a little too late for that.” Wilbur told him, all traces of emotion stripped away from his voice as he began walking towards the door. “You treated me and Tommy like we were nothing. When I finally did something to get your attention I had to leave the city. That meant I couldn’t see my friends or family. Not that half of my family could see me though.”

“You know you can’t just leave us here, right?” Karl called out from beside me, and Wilbur hesitated for a moment before glancing over his shoulder at us. “Dream and Sapnap will start looking for me and George. Plus, they won’t know that Foolish was let go by you, won’t they also come looking for him.”

We had expected an answer right away, but there wasn’t one. In fact, there wasn’t an answer for several long moments before he eventually figured out his answer. “There is no way to trace you. I know that neither have injected you with trackers or anything. If by now they know you are missing they will probably be organising search parties, but neither will think to look here.”

“What are you planning on doing with us?” I asked meekly.
“I’ll wait for our last friend before I tell you that.” Wilbur smiled. “Until then I have other stuff to do. So all of you sit and get comfortable and I will be back soon.” Then the door slammed as he left, plunging the room into darkness.
1290 words

Firstly sorry for disrespecting Hawkeye he is one of my favourite heroes.

Secondly, 2 days time the first couple chapters of Manipulation High will be up. Voting for it was done on my last story, Gods, and after that it will be King of the Cell which did the voting here.

Any last minute predictions?

Also apologies again for the late upload.

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