A unexpected adventure

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I still don't remember much from that night. I remember how calm the sea was and how the sky had now clouds or moon. In a normal situation it would be a perfect night... I can never get the screams out of my head and the splashing from the cold Atlantic. The last thing I remember was getting pushed overboard and hitting the freezing North Atlantic.

I woke up in a cold sweat as I shot up from my bed. Breathing heavily I sat there for a moment before getting out of bed. The ship should be arriving in Tokyo shortly so I got my equipment and clothes into my trunk. I looked out the porthole and could see the Japanese shoreline in the distance. I looked at the ticket and the letter I've been carrying for the voyage. The ticket says SS empress of Japan and I opened the letter from the Camelot organization.

King of spades ♠️ your instructions are to travel to the island nation of Japan to assist the Ace of spades with a new demon threat that made itself known. The Ace of spades will be at the dock waiting for your arrival at port.

With greatest regards. Arthur Star

I folded the letter and put it into my jacket pocket. With my sacred gear this assignment should be a cakewalk. With "hope" being of holy energy and "despair" being demonic demons should be easy. I then grabbed my trunk and opened a small portal to store it while I travel. I then went on deck and seen the great city of Tokyo Japan as we pulled into port.

Chris: "I hate traveling by ship... at least we made it."

I then made my way to the ramp to get on the dock where I had to go through customs. When I got outside the Ace of spades was waiting for me with two horses.

Ace: "thank you for coming king of spades. Or may I call you mr flint?"

Chris: "just call me Chris."

Ace: "alright then you can call me William. Or billy if you prefer."

Chris: "alright then billy where are we heading?"

Billy: "well I made contact with the demon slayer corps here. It's very similar to how Camelot is run with the foot soldiers having ranks and the elites with them having 12 and us having the aces, kings, queens, and jacks."

Chris: "interesting. So where are we going first?"

Billy: "we ride for a small village to the south east. The demon slayers say there's a demon in that area."

We started riding down the road. After awhile we arrived in the village and began our investigation. We found it odd that the demons didn't seem to attack or do anything during daylight hours.

Chris: "are you sure were dealing with demons? This feels more like vampires to me."

Billy: "I thought that too but they don't seem to have the same abilities as vampires. Is your file correct in your sacred gear? Two revolvers one holy one demonic?"

Chris: "hope and despair. They are also self reloading."

Billy: "then this assignment shouldn't take long. One shot from your holy revolver hope will kill any demon."

Chris: "let's go up the mountain and investigate around the small homesteads up there. It's more likely that that would target them due to them being secluded."

Billy: "I agree. Let's go."

We dismounted our horses in the village and continued on foot. It would be difficult to maneuver the horses up there. On our way up the path we passed a boy carrying what looked like charcoal. He must be heading to the village to sell. After a few hours we came across a homestead that had children playing. The kind woman who I assume to be the mother invited us in for tea. We talked for awhile and they didn't notice anything strange in the area. I noticed it got dark out and then someone knocked on the door.

Woman: "I wonder who that could be."

Then when she opens the door a man in a suit walked in and immediately killed the woman and looked at us.

Demon: "you must be the Camelot agents sent to kill me. Allow me to make a counter offer. How about allowing me to turn you into demons?"

Billy: "that's impossible! Demons don't have that kind of power!"

Demon: "then how about a demonstration?"

He then grabbed what looked like the oldest girl.

Girl: "please... let me go..."

I then quickly summoned hope and shot him in the forehead... nothing happened.

Demon: "that's not going to work on me boy."

He then cut his hand open and forced the girl to drink his blood. The girl then started to attack billy and me while the demon killed the family. We managed to knock out the girl but couldn't kill her either.

Billy: "leave her! We need to kill him first!"

We then gave chase and when we where far away from the house in the woods he stopped.

Demon: "I'll offer you one more chance to join me."

Chris: "never! We would never give up our humanity for power!"

Demon: "then you will die. It's a shame, you would make excellent additions to the 12."

He then shot forward and before I knew it he had his arm sticking out of Billy's back.

Chris: "BILLY!!!!!!"

The demon then stopped and listened for a moment.

Demon: "it would appear to be your lucky day boy. I decided not to kill you today."

He then ran off into the trees. I ran to billy and held him.

Billy: "I need you to do something for me Chris."

Chris: "anything."

Billy: "I have a daughter a year younger then you. (Caugh) She doesn't have anyone left now. Send her this letter. (Cough) She's currently the Jack of hearts."

Chris: "yes of course."

Billy: "I guess there's no getting out of this one. (Caugh) I was once a outlaw (caugh caugh) Camelot found me and took me in gave me a new life."

Chris: "don't tell me... you're..."

Billy: "yeah (caugh) I was once known as billy the kid."

He then closed his eyes and died. I then buried him and worked my way back to the homestead but the girl demon was gone. I then went back down the mountain. I got on my horse and rode to a train station to send the letters.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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