Affocream 😍

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Affogato looked around. The cookies he had met on the way really weren't lying about how fancy and advanced the Crème Republic was. Airships were soaring through the skies, cookies of all ages bustling down the streets with importance. The Crème Republic seemed to have great power... this was definitely Affogato's kind of place in that case.

Affogato had come to the Crème Republic in the first place to strike up a deal with Clotted Cream cookie for Dark Cacao cookie. Clotted Cream was (according to Dark Cacao) the "conniving and deceitful" consul of this place. The only problem was, Affogato had no idea what Clotted Cream looked like, or where he might be.

He approached an elderly looking cookie, who had dusty blue eyes and blue and white hair to match. A name tag read: 'Oyster Cookie: elder.'
"Ahem. I am sorry to disturb you. Do you know where Clotted Cream cookie may be at this moment in time? I was sent here by my king to speak with him."

Oyster cookie looked slightly amused by this, although Affogato wasn't quite sure why.
"The grand castle would be the first place to go. Look for his office, although he may be working." Oyster spoke in quite a feeble voice, still looking bemused.

"Thank you. I'll be on my way then.." Affogato left the elder cookie, swearing he heard the latter mutter, "king? Pffft."

-time skip of pure laziness-

A plaque on a shiny gold and white door read 'the consul's office. Please knock.' Affogato did as requested, and knocked on the double-doors. Shuffling of movement and rustling of paper could be heard inside, before the doors opened.

Affogato had expected someone much more stern and.. well.. older. Instead, a young cookie, blonde locks of hair highly complimenting his face shape, wearing clothing of white, gold and a dark shade of cyan stood before him, emerald green eyes glinting in the bright light. A charming smile was flashed Affogato's way, who was taken entirely aback. Youngest consul, and evidently, the most handsome one too.

"A pleasure it is to have a handsome visitor like yourself give me an excuse to take a break from work. Please, come in." Affogato felt his cheeks dust pink from the compliment, but nevertheless allowed Clotted Cream to escort him inside.

The office itself was unsurprisingly neat, except for the piles of papers that littered the desk.
"Please, do take a seat." Clotted Cream spoke, taking a seat behind his desk. Affogato obliged once more, taking the only seat in front of the desk. The colour scheme was not quite to his taste, but that was to be expected. At least the chair itself was comfortable.

"I haven't introduced myself properly. I am Affogato cookie. I come from the Cacao kingdom, as you may have guessed.." Clotted Cream's eyes sparkled with delight.

"Ah, the Cacao kingdom! Such a place of pride, and home to some of the best warriors of cookie kind from what I've heard! Truly, it's a honour to meet you."

"Mhm, well, I'm not really willing to be here for long, I'm just here for the king. So let's please make this quick." Affogato replied hastily. He didn't want to be here for longer than he had to.

"Alright then. What is it that your king wants?" "Well, all he wanted to say is that the research and information on the soul jam and how to share it is.. taking longer than he thought. He wants to know when it'll be done, and if it'll take over a week, he wants it back." Affogato listed off in a bored, monotone voice. "Oh, and he wants to know where Crunchy Chip Cookie is."

Clotted Cream listened to all of this intently. "Crunchy Chip is fine. And the progress of our research is not his progress to nose into. If you wanted the answers quickly, that's all you're getting, dear." Dear?! That wasn't what Affogato had expected, but it also wouldn't be a satisfactory answer for Dark Cacao.

"I demand more information from you." Affogato spat back, coldly. "Hm. You'll have to earn it." Clotted Cream just had to choose that moment to offer a playful smirk. Earn? How?

"Excuse me." "This is confidential information you're asking for! I'm sure a good boy like yourself will do as he's told." Affogato felt like he had an idea of where this was going. He wasn't complaining if it was indeed sexually.

"Whatever you wish to do to me and my body, I will let you do without question."

And that statement lead to a naked Affogato laying on Clotted Cream's bed, Clotted Cream himself thrusting into Affogato at a steady pace. All the time, he had been moaning in pleasure or demanding that Clotted Cream speed up, which he did.

Clotted Cream gripped Affogato's hips tightly with each thrust coming in quick succession, Affogato's back perfectly arching. Clotted Cream found Affogato's prostate, hitting that spot repeatedly and quicker than before, making Affogato cum and moan loader.

Clotted Cream kept abusing that same spot, thrusts becoming more sloppy, until he finally came as well.

Needless to say, a lot of cleaning up was needed, and Affogato could not manage more than three or four steps before collapsing onto the floor. Because of this, Clotted Cream took it upon himself to carry Affogato all the way back to the Cacao kingdom, by which time he could now walk, just not very steadily.

Clotted Cream left, and Caramel Arrow squinted at Affogato suspiciously before letting him back in.

Once he was alone, Affogato felt a weight in his pocket that had not been there when he left the Cacao kingdom. Clotted Cream cookie had left am 8 inch dildo in Affogato's pocket, which had a note on it. It read:

'This might not be as good as actually having me fuck you, but I'm sure this will suffice. Please do visit again, wouldn't want you missing me too much. ;)

With love, Consul Clotted Cream Cookie. <3'

Horny bastard.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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