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Izuku woke up at 8am from his little sister

Izumi: wake up big bro breakfast is ready

Izuku: Im too tired Izumi please can you bring it to me

Izumi: fine but u owe me one

Izuku: aw thanks sis

Izumi walks down stairs to the kitchen to get Izuku breakfast

Izuku gets up to make his bed and change clothes while changing clothes Izumi walks in

Izumi: ok big bro here's ur- BIG BRO PUT UR SHIRT ON!

Izuku: ok ok just pass me my all might shirt

Izumi: big bro 💀 you got like 2,000 shirts of all might u fanboy

Izuku: oh yea um well the blue one on the desk

Izumi walks over to the desk by Izuku bed to grab his shirt and throws it to him

Izuku: thank you

Izumi walks over to Izuku bed to put his breakfast down

Izumi: now come eat ur breakfast so we can go to school

Izuku goes to sit down by Izumi to eat his breakfast

Izuku: Jess sis this taste greats your the best

Izumi: um thanks bro

Izuku: no. thank you sis do u want some?

Izumi: um yes

Izuku grabs his spoon and scoops up some of whatever this is called he goes and put it in her mouth

Izuku grabs his spoon and scoops up some of whatever this is called he goes and put it in her mouth

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Izumi: um thank you but I can do it myself

Izuku: yes but im ur big bro

Izumi: um whatever

Izuku finish his breakfast and leaves for school

Izuku: only 5 more minutes and I can leave

Small time skip everything happens in the anime

Izuku is walking down a path but then sludge come our from the bottom oh him

Izuku: wtf is that

Sludge: come here kid quick I need you're body

Izuku: nigga what my body what are a pedo?

Sludge: what no I just need you're body to get away from all might

Izuku: All might!? Where is he

Right when Izuku says that all might pops up behind the sludge villain

All might: I'm here. Texas smash

Izuku: omfg it's all might I'm ur biggest fan please could you Sign my notebook

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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