Alice woke up in her bed she yawned. She got and walked to her door and turned the door knob the door opened with a creek. she walk to her old bothers. She saw that he was not in his room."ALICE ARE YOU WAKE YET!"Alice bother yelled. "Yes I am" Alice said walking down the stairs. "Oh there you are" Alice bother said looking surprised. "Yeah...." Alice said confused. " What ach make Jay" Alice said to her bother. "I am make pancakes with strawberries and blueberries and wipped cream" Jay said smiling.
This is what the pancakes look like!
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"Oooo yummy thank you Jay"Alice said smiling to jay. "Your welcome"Jay said smiling back. "You can go back up stairs if you want" jay said. "Okay thank you Jay" Alice said thanking jay. "Oh and me and my friend are going to the mall do you want to come?" Jay said asking a question. "Sure" Alice said replying back to Jay. "Be ready in 1 hour" jay saidto Alice."okay I will"Alice said walking up the stairs.
Time skip to 30 minutes later
"Hi, j0on_yoo_small" said Alice. "Hi, ali._preson"j0on_yoo_small said "you ready to go!" ail._preson said. "Yeah I am" said j0on_yoo_small.
Time pass to 10 minutes later
"Aww I got to go sadly" said ali._preson. "oh okay do you want to friend me?" Said j0on_yoo_small. " Yeah of course" said ali._preaon." okay I friended you" ail._preson." okay bye see you later" said j0on_yoo_small. "Byeeeee!!!!"said ali._preson.
Time to 5 later to her getting ready
"Oooo this one~" Alice said in her head. "I like it, it's cute i will wear this"Alice said out loud instead of her mind. Alice put the a shirt, skirt, socks, shoes, than her jacket.
This is what the outfit looks like!
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Time skips to when they have to go
"I am ready jay" Alice said coming down the stairs. "Okay let's go" jay said walking out the door. "Do you want to listen to music?" Jay said asking Alice. "Sure" Alice said. "What songs?" Jay said asking a question. "Freaks! Please!" Alice said exactly. "Okay..?" Jay said put on the music. Alice start to hum to the music "hmm hmm hmm.... Du du du du.... Do do do do do" Alice hummed. "I am just a freak" Alice said repeating x2. Alice saw a tall 6'7 boy that was wearing all black clothes.
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That what he looks like in this scene.
"Woah you are good at sing" said ????. "Oh thank you?" While there where putting up to the guy who said that."hi jay" said ????. " Yooooo hi man what's uppp!!!" said jay. " Im good what's up with you" said ???? "I'm good. Oh this is my sister Alice" jay said pointing to Alice."Hi" said Alice waving to and smiling to ????. "Oh hi I am Joon" he said turning back to Alice. " Can we play heat waves please...." Alice pleading to jay. " Fine ..." Said jay. " Heat Waves Been Freaking Me Out, Sometimes All I Think About Is You Late Nights In The Middle Of June!!!" Alice was sing to the song but yelling out. Jay and Joon started laughing. " Why are you yelling Alice?" Said jay " because I can" Alice said sticking her toung out at jay and Joon.
Time skip to the mall
They got out of the car and walk to the fort of the mall." So we're are we going first?" Joon said." We can go get boba" said Alice and jay."yeah we should" Joon said. They walked to the boba shop. They all got boba but Alice a macron
The boba:
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The one on the left is Jay's and the one in the is Alice'sand the on the right is joon's.
Alice's macarons:
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Alice more so when she's goses home she can eat more and drink some more. " Can we go to hottopic" Alice said. "Sure" said Joon and jay. " Yay" Alice giggling and smiling. Joon was turn red like a tomato. " No no no I like ail._preson" said Joon in his mind.
Time skip wto Alice brother's house
"Bye I am go to my " Alice said walking up the stairs to Alice room. Alice got on her laptop. She started to go on YouTube and watch Markiplier playing fanf. She starts to get tried Soo she drives out to sleep....