Audition - Oreo

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A navy blue man sat in an alley between trash cans, smoke wisping off his cigarette. He took the butt out and blew a cloud.

"Let's not waste any time here, alright? I'm Oreo and I'm one hard motherfucker. Born on the streets, lived on the streets my whole life. And that kind of living toughens you. Met a lot of other motherfuckers living rough; seen 'em come and go. Some people? They soften up. Not me."

Oreo took another drag of his cigarette. He coughed a little into his arm and rubbed the lit end onto the pavement.

"Right, the tournament. I'm gonna be honest, I'm just in it for the money. 'Course I don't need it, but I could buy a lot of shit with-"

Sudden clanking and gunshots tore the alley up. The blue man flinched at first, but he dove into a trash can and fished out a pair of triangular blades.

"Scuse me for a moment!-" He got up and the blades deployed their chains with a rattle. The cable ends strapped to his wrists, he charged in yelling.

The tape then cut to him returning to his seat, dragging his blades with them and his right side splattered with blood. A small puddle crept in from the side.

"Aight, where was I? Oh right, the money." He sat down casual as before. "Yeah, I could use that. The way it stands, I don't think I could even buy this steel. And don't ask me how much they cost, I stole 'em."

With the chains still affixed, he lit another cigarette.

"So yeah. And one more thing. Make fun of my name and I'll fucking shank you. I'm not a goddamn cookie."

End tape.

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