My childhood home

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I wrote this quite recently, and its one of my favorites! Enjoy <3 

I walked down the cemented paved lane, and took in all the familiar sights around me. The lush green creepers that once grew along my neighbor's garden wall was now gone, now replaced with bright, luminous fairy lights, probably the work of a young, youthful soul. The road sign with the words "Cherry Lane", once a dark hue of green, was now faded, some of its letters missing. The warm, neighborly atmosphere that I used to remember was instead replaced with a cold, unfriendly atmosphere. The neighbors seemed to avoid each others' gaze when the met, and did not exchange greetings. I sighed. A lot has changed in the last 20 years. I walked along the lane till I reached house number "525" the house was now painted white with pink flowers on its window stills, When my parents owned the house, it was painted a light color of mint, and the garden was filled with a huge variety of fragrant smelling herbs and sweet smelling flowers. I took a deep breath a sniffed at the air. I smelled the smell of sizzling, spicy curry cooking in the kitchen. I walked towards the door, and knocked on the brass lion-shaped door-knocker. An elderly lady in her sixties opened the door and asked what I wanted. I told the lady that I used to live in this house, and asked if I could have a look around, for memories sake. The lady gladly agreed, and ushered me in.

When I stepped into the house, I was shocked. Despite the house looking new on the outside, it was the complete opposite on the inside. The inside of the house was completely dilapidated, its walls black with soot and the paint peeling off at some places. I walked around the house and reminisced about the different places, my bedroom looked almost the same, it seemed that the old lady did not do anything to the house after my parents and I moved out, which explained the rundown condition of the house. The stairs creaked as I climbed up the stairs, and the floorboards on the second level creaked and moved with every step. The little doodle which I had made on the wall as a kid was still there, the words "Hannah was here" in pink ink on the door of what used to be my parent's bedroom. I walked around the house for a little while more and thanked the lady, and rushed to the business convention centre, as I had completely lost track of time! That trip to my childhood home relieved memories that I thought that I and forgotten, it was a refreshing and unforgettable experience . Despite only living in this house for a small part of childhood, the wonderful memories I made in this house would be forever etched in my mind. 

It's school writing whelp... i have many rules to follow ahhhh 

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