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| Chapter Two |

Carlos sat on the ground, eyes strained. He had spent hours staring at  the mirror in front of him. The words that had previously been written on it had been long gone, still what it meant still lingered in his mind. 

Go and solve me. 

"Could have at least given me a clue first." He scoffed, his tired eyes drifting off into the ceiling, and soon enough —- he found himself lying on the ground, uncaring of how dirtied his ruana would be. 

"First ghosts." Carlos said. "Now whatever this is." It seemed like the gods hated him. Another brief memory flashed in his mind, the terrified look that a woman had given him when his power first began manifesting, he supposed it was a fair reaction still it stung to a small child. 

He shook his head, trying to forget it. He took a deep breath, eyes shifting back towards the mirror, and just like before, still nothing. He doesn't know what he's even expecting at this point —- but a knock definitely wasn't it.

Carlos slowly sat up unsure of what he had just heard, before rising to his feet and looking around, another knock echoing through the house. The door. He hesitated, wondering who could be knocking at this place, everyone knew this house was abandoned, he shook off the questions and walked towards the door, and pulled it open. 

"Oh." He grumbled. "--It's just you." 

She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "That's no way to greet your cousin." Mirabel said with a light, almost teasing smile.

"I see you everyday —- I get tired of your face." Carlos said plainly, no real malice in his words. 

Mirabel only rolled her eyes, and pushed past him, walking into the halls. "I don't get why you hang around here." She muttered, eyes scanning the room. "Do you even clean?"

"One of the reasons I'm here is to avoid doing chores, Mira." The boy said, face scrunching up in annoyance. "-- not to do more." 

She shrugged, walking up towards a shelf, finger skimming through the layer of dust, she examined it for a moment, then quickly wiped her hand on her skirt. "I'm just saying, it wouldn't hurt to clean a little bit, if this was my hideout I'd be more . . . creative." 

– Carlos could only imagine this place covered wall to wall in arts and crafts, walls painted with various colorful designs, and he was never happier on the decision of not inviting her here. 

"What are you doing here anyway?" He said, tiredly. 

"Tía Pepa was worried." Mirabel answered. "You can't just keep disappearing out of nowhere." 

He glanced at the floor, chewing at the inside of his cheek. "You didn't tell them about this place, right?" – was all that he could find himself asking.

His cousin stared at him, a moment of silence passing, before she sighed. "No, I didn't. I made a  promise  to you that I wouldn't tell anyone —- but just, can you tell someone you're leaving?" She said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We worry." 

You shouldn't.  Is what he wanted to say, but Carlos could only nod. Mirabel smiled, and gave him a pat, then lowered her hand back to her side, stepping away as she turned, walking into the hall. 

She stopped in front of a mirror, staring at it intensely, a strange feeling dripped over Carlos as he watched the scene, yet before he could ask anything, she turned back towards him with a bright smile.

"Nice mirror." She complimented, "Could definitely use a new coat of paint though, if you want I can drop by and–" 

"No." Carlos answered. 

Her face immediately fell. "I wasn't even finished–"


"Come on – It can be our prima, primo bonding time!"


"I'll bring food." 

A pause. 

Carlos stared at her, before crossing his arms, looking away. "Still, no, you can't bribe me with food." – anymore.

Mirabel glared, and let out a huff. 

Carlos smiled. "Alright, bring food–" He watched as her eyes lit up. "Then go straight home." 

"Oh, come on!" 

He laughed, one that caused his cousin to follow suit, letting out a laugh of her own. Mirabel smiled, a bit more carefree than before, she sighed and shook her head, stepping away from the mirror and towards him.

"Well, I've probably overstayed my welcome." She said, "I'll be leaving, but, only if you promise that you'll come home soon, it's getting late."

Carlos nodded. "--yeah, yeah." He smiled, his hand grabbed hers as he began leading or rather dragging her towards the door, with a swing the door flew open and Mirabel was quickly pushed outside.


"Get home safe." He said before shutting the door close, ears picking up on his name being angrily shouted, followed by a few incoherent mumbling, then finally the sound of ground crunching, before quieting. 

Carlos took a deep breath, back pressed against the door. A few moments passed as he took in the silence, the thoughts that circled in his mind. 

His hand almost slammed against the wood as he pushed himself off the door, his strides wide and heavy, and once again he's staring at the mirror, more determined than before.

"I can't say I know exactly what's happening here." Carlos began, eyes narrowing, lips twitching upwards. "-- but whatever game you're trying to play, I'm not gonna lose." 

Shattered Mirrors  ⇁ Carlos Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now