first day😎😎😎

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Hurry up emireah,I guessed you want to be late on your first day in school"dad shouted
Coming dad" I replied back
I ran downstairs to meet dad,waved mom a good bye and followed dad who dropped me in my new school
Hhh I'm emireah,a 16 yrs old shy, rockey,fashionable and snooby gurl lolx
I've just been admitted into Eastwood tigers highschool.
Dad left while I heed directly to the administrative block.
Holy crap!!! I exclaimed after sighting cohort of student who are also ready and waiting for the science interview as I
I stood there wondering how on earth are we all gonna be in science class
Hey" a fair skinny gurl waved at me.
Hi" I waved back wondering where she knows me from.
I'm Emilia and this is my twin sis cloe "she added with a broad smile showing her unique set of teeth.
I'm emireah"not being the talking to strangers type,I forced a smile on my face,so as not to look rude
Nice to meet you"said cloe
Thanks" I replied
I.....cloe wanted to start a conversation but was was cut short by the announcement made .
We entered into the interview hall which we are to do inform of examination
I sat opposite cloe while Emilia sat next to a very handsome guy.
Uhm uhm emireah my inner self signed and we both laughed lol😂
After the examination we had 40 mins to fresh up and we waited anxiously for the result to be displayed.
After what seem like forever,the result was announced,emilia,the handsome guy as I named him,and I happen to be in the same class while cloe is in the next.
We concluded some of the registration stuff and heeded home feeling tired
Hey home"I greeted as I throw away my school back
Hi darling,welcome back and how was the school.
Great mom" I answered rolling my eyes
Have shower and meet me in the kitchen "mom said entering into the kitchen
Ooooooohk😰" I sigh
I had my lunch and serve siesta
At exactly 6:00pm dad came back,he asked about my new school,we had dinner and retired to bed.

Hey buddies
I'm sorry it's short but this is just a start
Its still me emeerih
This is my first novel on wattpad
Buh guess what I bet you will like it
Just give it a try
For those who have read my novels off wattpad I know u can swear to it right
And for my first readers
I welcome u 😊😊😘😘

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