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Students were eating, talking, or gossiping in the Great Hall. The usual feast, but a little more extravagant because it's also Samhain.

James Potter was gazing at Lily Evans from the Gryffindor table. A woman he was interested in, spite of the fact how she always turned him down. Lily, on the other hand, had accustomed to the gazes since their 4th year. Something that will never end. She wasn't complaining, but she strived she'd last until their graduation from Hogwarts because Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary had bet on their relationship and she wanted to prove Marlene wrong.

Regulus was writing a letter to someone on the Slytherin table. Evan and Barty remained beside him, making sure no one looked in. He would sneak glances at his brother from time to time, wondering where everything went wrong. Why does he despise their family? It has never been like this before. Regulus blames the Gryffindor for tainting their brotherly bond.

When the massive doors opened, revealing multiple families, the Great Hall fell silent. The Black, Malfoy, Potter, Weasley, and LeStrange Families "Isn't this a huge happy reunion?" Sirius grumbled when he saw his mother. Even though his tone was almost hushed, Walburga heard what he said. It made her feel awful.

On Dumbledore's Hand, a green howler appeared. It came to life, floating, and began speaking in a female voice.

'Dear people of 1995,

The reason why these families are here is for an important task to save the future of both the wizarding and normal world.

Fear not, we will also be with you to explain some things. But, for this. Albus Dumbledore will be tied and restrained for future reference. All casted compulsion spells, potions, or imperius curses will be canceled or released after this letter.

Now, please get comfortable because as soon as this letter finishes, we will be teleported there.

Sincerely yours,

The 2000's

Golden Era'

As the letter self-destructed, golden chains appeared from its remains and bound Dumbledore to his chair, surprising everyone except the Slytherins, who laughed at their headmaster's demise. The remaining remnants form a circle around the students, negating the effects of potions or spells.

Then, in the middle of the hall, a group of hooded figures appeared. "Well, this is certainly one touching get-together," one of them remarked before being elbowed. "All right, I'll get the Veritaserum."

Everyone stood there watching the hooded figure hand out bottles of truth serum to the others. "It's time to introduce ourselves," one of them said before removing their hood. Marlene squinted her eyes, seeing similarities between this girl and Lily, from her ebony hair with blood-red tips to her plump lips. Her unforgivable curse green eyes and pale skin send shivers down everyone's spine.

"I am Amaryllis Lycka Lokidottir-Potter, Lady of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell. Daughter of Lilith Rose Potter neé Evans and The Norse God, Loki Laufeyson. Blood Adopted by James Charlus Potter. I am a Slytherin."

After her introduction, everyone fell silent until James jumped up and pumped his fists in the air. "I got Evans! I married her!" he exclaimed cheerfully before rushing to the mentioned girl and kissing her cheeks, ignoring the fact that his daughter was adopted or in Slytherin, which confused some people.

Lily was as still as a statue, processing what she had said. "I guess we'll have to keep an eye out for that Norse God in the future, huh?" Marlene teased the girl, Mary and Dorcas laughing next to her.

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