Godly Party Crasher

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Chapter 16

TALKING: "where's my cute little rabbit??"


THINKING: (wonder what Niko is making for dinner)



BALANCE BREAKER: "Time to turn up the heat"

A/n: back again back again y'all and I hope y'all boys went back and saw the revamped juggernaut chant be sure to tell me what you think do you like the new one the old one or leave a suggestion if you got something better ya boy is listening i'm reading what y'all comment so if you got a suggestion then let's get to talking boy I'm here for you I'm here for you boys now let get to the godly ass whooping boys


Y/n stood around the ORC along with Ajuka Odin and Rossweisse formulating a plan on how to deal with Loki, something Y/n thought was a waste of time "Ugh this is bullcrap Ajuka just send me into that play pin that you got that dumbass trapped in an I'll kick his ass in five minutes tops" Ajuka sighed pinching the bridge of his nose "For the last time mister Tokita 'kicking ass and taking names' isn't a plan" "Umm excuse me you forgot the part about getting the babes" Y/n gestured to Rossweisse as he wrapped an arm around her waist causing her to blush and panic as she just muttered to herself "Also this is all Odin's fault" afew devil's gasped while Odin stroked his beard "and how is that Asura dragon?"

"Well clearly you didn't give that little shit enough spankings now look at him throwing a tantrum" Y/n let go of Rossweisse and walked to a near by table picking up a bottle of wine that sat there "Imma kick his ass drunk" Y/n quietly said to himself before turning back to the devil's "So we going or what?" "We'll be ready within the hour mister Tokita in the meantime please just take a seat" Ajuka informed as the ORC plus Rossweisse went to prepare leaving Y/n to take the devil king up on his advice and took a seat at one of the tables that weren't destroyed


"Hmph foolish mortal I am a god NOW KNEEL" Loki fired a bolt of lightning at Y/n who took the attack or so Loki thought {FLAME KATA PHANTOM PACE} Loki was confused it looked as if the attack fazed through him, Y/n took advantage of Loki's confusion and decided to give Loki just what he want a knee... One straight to the jaw, Y/n jumped into the air and grabbed Loki by the hair pulling him down so his jaw could have a nice intimate moment with his knee

Loki pulled away from Y/n and rubbed his until he felt something wet, Loki looked down at his hand and saw a small amount of blood smeared on his finger "Ya know just cause your a god doesn't make you indestructible it just means I got put my back into my hits you dipshit" Y/n informed Loki who chuckled "That doesn't matter no matter how hard you try a filthy mortal can never beat a g-" Loki was soon hit by a bright red orb hitting his gut that exploded sending him into the wall, Y/n stood with his hand held out as steam came from it using his first ever {CHAOS SHOT} which was pretty much his version of Issei's dragon shot but it was more versatile for example, Red orb appeared above Y/n's hand mimicking a gem like the one issei's gauntlet but it had a different purpose from just being a shiny rock {CHAOS BLITZ} multiple small smaller orbs of energy shot out at high speeds and flew at Loki who tried to dodge, but to his surprise and dismay they followed him and shot through his body like a hot knife through butter as he fell to the ground Y/n sighed and walked over to Loki

"UGH FOOLISH MORTAL I AM A GO-" Y/n grabbed Loki by the ankle and flung him over his shoulder slamming him into the ground and action he repeated until Loki shut up

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