Mohabbat -- shot-2

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The story starts from abhi who is sleeping hard like a cute baby

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The story starts from abhi who is sleeping hard like a cute baby... Making him irk someone splashed water on his face...

Abhi got up hurriedly and looks around by panicking...

Abhi frowned and asks fuggii what are you doing in my room...

Pragya glared him and eyed him to look around... Abhi confused and looks around to find he was in someone else house... The interior and the teddy with dolls made him realise he was in a girl's room...

Who kidnapped me... God now a days girls becomes more dangerous... Abhi you've to be careful... And thank you fuggii for saving me...

Pragya gives him an impossible look and asks you're still in intoxication or what...

Abhi confusingly asks no why...

Pragya: then why they'll kidnap you...

Abhi: you know I am the most eligible bachelor in our country "pragya glared him hearing that whereas abhi pouts and says" may be in our state... many girls are crazy for me... What if they kidnapped me and married me... There was a possible for that you know...

Pragya: god stop self praising yourself... You're in my house... Yesterday when I called you one of your friend answered saying you're intoxicated due to over drinks and not in a state to even walk... So I came there and took you here...

Abhi: oh thank you

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Abhi: oh thank you...

Pragya: what thank you.. you idiot moran... Do you know how we all worried about you... Why you've to drink like this Haan.... Were you planned to kill yourself...

Abhi: sorry... No it's just out of happiness seeing my friends after a longtime... But fuggii why you've to bring me here you may ask Bhai to take me na...

Pragya is shocked hearing that... That's when reality strikes in her mind that why she didn't did like he said... Why she got worried when disha told her he is not reached home... God what's happening to me... But making her to come out of her trance abhi says can I get a coffee please...

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