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Your headphones were fully blasting in your ears as you gently brushed your pen across the panel, the final frame on your character finally alive. You were so overwhelmed with joy that you could cry- that was until you felt your headphones get ripped off your head.


"Dude, you have class in ten minutes," Ireh chastised, holding your headphones in her hand. You looked at the corner of your tablet and widened your eyes.

"Shit, you're right!" you shouted, leaping up from the corner of the living room you were working in to grab your backpack.

"You'd think you'd remember to set an alarm," Swan added sarcastically from the kitchen.

"Why would I do that when Ireh is clearly better than an alarm?" you feigned innocence, shooting a smile as you ran back to the front door.

"You just got lucky I noticed before we headed to work ourselves," Ireh sighed. She was waiting for you to spastically put on your shoes before she held out your headphones to you.

"Yep, call me lucky for having the best roommates. Bye guys!" you called, taking the headphones from Ireh's hands as you ran out of the townhome. Thankfully, the three of you managed to scrounge together enough cash to live only two blocks away from your University so you all could comfortably take your Masters classes.

Running to the Journalism building, you groaned as you picked up the ringing phone in your pocket. "Hello?"

"Are you done yet? I'm bored at work and want to start on shading," your cousin- and the person who assisted on your comic with you- asked.

"Oh boo hoo Hendery I'm so sorry your cushy engineering job is boring," you teased, slowing down as you started to reach where your afternoon class was.

"Hey- Kun is annoying you about submitting your final chapters," Hendery countered. It was true- this morning your editor was grilling you about submitting your work on time- and how imperative it was that this final chapter was done with enough time for the comic site to market it. "I'm simply doing you a favor."

"I know, I know. I'll send them over to you once I finish class today. Bye!" You hang up just before entering your Evidence and Inference class. "Sorry I'm late, Professor."

Your Professor looked up from the grapefruit he was eating to gesture to the rest of the class. Everyone was set up into different pairs, working on a hand out.

"Since you're late you can just work on it on your ow-," the professor got cut off as you were lightly shoved from the door, one of your classmates seeming to also have run to class today huffing next to you. "Nevermind, here, you two can work on the hand out together."

Moving forward, you thanked your Professor as you grabbed the handout from him and moved to the nearest available two seats.

Jaemin too was late to class today because of his job. He worked as Junior Copywriter for, and he ended up staying an additional 20 minutes to endure a lecture from his boss about how his work was not "attention-grabbing" enough.

"Your article on 'pretty scenery' in an unknown romance webcomic will not get us the clicks and engagement we need," Johnny huffed, having tossed Jaemin's two weeks of hard work onto his lopsided desk.

"So I should write about something popular," it wasn't a question, more of a statement. Jaemin didn't really want to be a copywriter, but he needed some experience in the journalism field, and was the only company willing to give him a position.

"Yes- and make it... Pop! It needs to sizzle! I want it on my desk by the close of business tomorrow!" Johnny called. Jaemin held back his shouts of frustration, and now sat in a daze with you in your evidence and inference class.

Read 'em and Weep! {NA JAEMIN}Where stories live. Discover now