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|~ Isla's POV: ~|

~ TW: mental heath and gayness ~

~ 2:30 Monday June 6th 2022 ~

It was the usual high school Monday....get bullied, hang with my few friends and go to classes. Today for some reason I didn't skip any classes. Usually I skip a class period for a mental health check but I didn't think I needed it today. Maybe I'm getting better. I wanted to get out of here but I didn't want to go home to my dad.

I head to the last period I had English. I hate that class. I thought about skipping but then remembered both my girlfriends were in that class so I chose to go. I got to the class 3 minutes early and picked my seat in the back left corner of the class. I put my bag next to my seat and pulled out my phone looking through twitter, liking the funny ones.

2 minutes later I see Skye and Grace walk in.

Grace is average height for a 17 year old, she has short-ish light brown hair, deep brown eyes and she's tan. She looked beautiful and perfect but delicate and easy to break but she's not.

Skye was a little shorter than Grace, she's 18, she has medium length light brown hair with the tip's bleached and dyed purple, she has hazel eyes, tan skin and some freckles scattered over her nose. She was the most attractive person in school according to all the boy's. I find it dumb they pick but it was true she's really pretty like ruby but with freckles i guess.

I was the oldest of us three but only by 4 months then it's Skye then Grace.

I wave to them to sit with me and they come running up to me. Grace sits on the desk next to me and Skye sits on my lap. i don't understand why she does that, she just does i guess. "hello" i say with a smile "hi" Grace and Skye respond "how did you go on your test Gracie?" i ask "i did good surprisingly, i got a b+" Grace responded "oh, i thought you didn't study" i ask confused "I didn't" she responds with a proud smile "okay show off we get it you're smart" i say with a smirk trying to be smart "yeah yeah, whatever......arms?" Grace asked. she always asks to see them since she found out i struggle with self harm, i understand why but still, Why?. I show her my arms and she seems somewhat relieved that there aren't any more.

The class begins to fill up so Skye gets up to move to her own seat in front of mine. As soon as she sits down the teacher walks in and starts getting ready for the lesson. I don't really pay attention to English because it's not important and it's boring. I just draw the whole time. As soon as the bell rings I put my stuff away and look up. The teacher was talking to one of my classmates or telling them off. I don't really know why though. the class starts to empty out so I get up and walk to the front of the class to wait for Skye and Grace to come with me. I walk them home since they're down the street next to mine and it's fun to hangout with Skye's dogs.

"i walk out hand in hand with Skye, Grace was doing something on her phone i think she's texting someone

"What are you doing Gracie?" I ask "just texting my sister" she responds quickly "oh ok, speaking of which where are they?" I ask "uhm, I don't know i'll ask" she responds then continues to text her sisters. We sat on a bench to wait for her sisters. I heard a ding. I assumed it was Grace's phone and I was right. She unlocked her phone and looked at the message (her sisters are Brooklyn, Kayla and Josie)(IDK OK)"Brook said that they're at the back of the school" she said "oh okay should we go get them or just go?" i asked "uhm, lets go get them" she says. We get up and walk back towards the front doors walking straight through the halls into the cafe walking out the sliding glass doors. We looked around a bit before Skye saw them "hey guys over there" she said as she pointed with her free hand that wasn't intertwined with mine. We walk over to them "Helloo" i say to make it clear we're here "oh, hi" Kayla says.

Kayla and Josie look exactly alike except for the miner details like the freckles and eye colour. They have long dark brown hair, Kayla has more hazel eyes while Josie has more brown eyes.

Brooklyn looks like them as well but way more freckles and darker brown eyes. Grace, Kayla and Josie are triplets and Brooks just the older sister we're all friends tho. "Hi, how'd your test go Kayla?" Skye asked "i didn't do very well i got a c" she said with a sad look "that's not bad it's better then i got last week anyway" i say trying to cheer her up, it seemed to work "yeah that's bc you you got a d bro" Kayla Responded Trying to be smart "that sounds gross and that's mean" i replied being smart back "ew wait why do you make things weird" Josie asked "I don't know ask the sky" i say to her "oh my god whatever lets just go" Brooklyn says while standing up "yeah we need to get you guys home you're mum is probably worried" i say "no i just texted her she said that she already knows" Grace replies "skye you good you aren't talking" i ask "yep! All good, just tired" Skye says, looking up at us instead of her phone.

"Okay come on let's go now i have work soon so let's just go" i said. Skye put her phone into her pocket and reached for my hand, i grab her hand

(i have to hold her hand bc she has a habit of accidently Jay walking into the road bc she's smart)

~~ at Grace's house ~~

"HELLOOO" I yell announcing myself

(we will just call their mum Olivia bc why not)

"Hi Isla you're back again" Olivia ask's "yes of course i am just dropping my girlfr- BEST friend off and yeah her sisters" i say having to fix my sentence bc i almost just outed her to her mum on accident "oh yup thank you for getting them home safe" Olivia replies "OH hi Skye i didn't see you there" Olivia says "yeah hi" Skye replies sounding obviously tired. "I best get going so i can get Skye home before she falls asleep" i say in a hurry "okay bye see you tomorrow maybe" Olivia says "yep alright byee" i reply in a hurry still. I walk down their driveway waving at Grace doing the half a heart thing with my fingers.

~~ at Skye's House ~~

"Alright we're here now Skye you can go inside now" I say to skye. "Mhm i know" she says but still doesn't move "you need something?" I ask confused "yes and you know what it is" she says "no, no i don't" i say still as confused as before. I lean down (PRETEND I'M TALLER) and place a light kiss on her forehead then looking at her "is that what you wanted?" I ask. She just nods her head and starts to walk to the door. I looked at the window and saw her dog sitting there waiting for I'm guessing Skye. but as soon as she opened the door he bolted out and towards me "oh, hi josh" the dog runs around me as i try to pat him "okay bye skye i gtg now" i wave to her and tell the dog to go back inside and he obliges and runs back to Skye.


Word count - 1318

HELLO PEOPLESS how are you today/night/afternoon whatever time you're reading this i update pretty slowly but feel free to read our other booksany ideas bc i have none 🥲

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