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|~ Skye's POV: ~|

~ TW: swearing. (If I put any) ~

~ 6:30 . August 14th . Sunday. ~

I woke up in my room all by myself. I slowly moved the blanket so I could get up.

I got up from my bed and walked over to the calendar hanging on the wall by my mirror that sat on the ground.

I looked at the calendar grading my pen and crossing off yesterday.

There was writing on the square for today


Isla's 19th birthday

I read it and started to smile.

"Yess! I wonder what they want to do" I asked myself.

I walked over to my closet grabbing a hoodie. It was light blue with "Georgenotfound" printed on the front across the chest, then I went to my drawers grabbing a pair of white jeans a black belt, and a pair of white van's.

I walked over to the white shelf tucked into the corner of my room pulling the jewelry stand out and placing it on the top.

I grabbed the necklace I got from Isla for my birthday, It was a circle with tiny prints on it and a tiny cloud that hung on the back by the hook, On the back of the circle there was

"Love you lots and will forever"

Engraved into the piece of silver.

I smiled reading it again before placing it on the shelf and grabbing random bracelets.

I put everything on before walking back over to my nightstand grabbing my ring and my phone.

I placed the ring back in its place on my left ring finger and turned my phone on reading the screen.


14th Of August



Isla's 19th birthday!! :D

Babyy ❤️🥴:

Good Morning love!!

My Lovelyy 🤗💖:

GM!! <3

I read the messages before unlocking my phone and messaging them back

Babyy ❤️🥴

Good Morning love!!

Good Morning

Happy Birthdayy!!

Thank You!!

Can't Wait To See You!! <3

I Can't Wait Either!!

MK Love Yaa!!

See You Later!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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