Chapter 5 -Nightmares-

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Bumblebee eyes flew open realizing it was a dream after taking in his surroundings. "I must be in the hospital." he thought, noticing the medical equipment around the room. "Bee, you wake!" Bumblebee turned towards the voice finding Rodimus who clearly had been crying. "What happened?" he groaned, sitting up his joints painfully protesting. "When you won the race Smokescreen got jealous and shot your motorcycle's gas tank out of anger and when the police and ambulance got there you were out cold, and parts of your jumpsuit were burned and also your helmet got completely trashed." Rodimus said, shaking slightly "And when they got you to the hospital you were barely alive." Bumblebee just sat there taking in all this information. "And Smokescreen?" He wondered what happened to the jackass. "Well, the police arrested him after getting Sideswipe's side of the story. Turns out that he had threatened him to get you to race him and-" but Bumblebee cut him off "What!" Rodimus winced at Bumblebee's outburst. Bumblebee was beyond mad; he was enraged. "I'm going to throw that bastard into the Netherworld!" he growled, clenching his fists. Rodimus was about to say something, but his gaze turned to Bumblebee's left arm. Following his friend's gaze, he found his weird birthmark was in view. "What's that?" Rodimus asked, motioning towards the birthmark. "Oh, it's just a birthmark I've had for all my life. My dad says that it looks like a European dragon sitting on a lotus flower." he explained, pointing out some of the details of the birthmark. "My... little brother had a similar one." Rodimus said quietly. Bumblebee frowned. He knew that Rodimus had a little brother that disappeared nearly twelve years ago during a party that had been crashed by some cult members who were looking to steal a powerful weapon that had been in the clan of the Primes for decades. When the cult was found in the weaponry where Onyx Prime had told him to hide, he wasn't there. The only thing that was left was a small pool of blood. Which led them to believe he had been killed by one of the cult members who used one of the magical weapons.

After a few weeks Bumblebee was discharged from the hospital and had returned to his normal life for the most part with Smokescreen having a restraining order on him after the whole incident. But the event had left him with a scar on his left eye. Bumblebee and Rodimus were hanging out after their shifts and were talking about their pasts. "Hey Bumblebee, I have to ask where you came from?" This question caught him off guard. "Well, I was adopted when I was six after ending up in the Netherworld." Bumblebee explained going into his life in the Netherworld leaving a few parts out. "Man, the Netherworld sounds like a nice place." Rodimus commented. "Yeah, it's really nice and the demons there are quite peaceful." Rodimus stopped after he said that. "Wait, there are demons there?" Bumblebee nodded going into each demon species. "Wow, that's a lot of demons." Rodimus whistled rubbing the side of his head. "Yeah there are also mythical creatures like a lot of them." Bumblebee explained with a hand on his hip. "Are there any cool weapons in the Netherworld?" Rodimus summoned his own weapon as an example. Rodimus's weapon was a Zhanmadao that Bumblebee believed was made of some kind of steel or iron. "Of course there are, why wouldn't there be." Bumblebee summoned his spear as well. "Wow, I've never seen a spear like this before. Is that Damascus steel?" Rodimus asked, moving closer to the weapon. "Yep it used to belong to my dad but now I own it." Bumblebee grinned, letting his friend take a closer look at it. "Whoever made this must have been a master blacksmith." Bumblebee agreed with Rodimus' comment that it was in fact made by a master blacksmith whose name he could never remember.

After they parted ways Bumblebee sat down on his couch completely drained from the day. Feeling sleep creeping through his body he laid down, closing his eyes too tired to walk to his bed. He had the same dream over and over again about the skeleton dragon, each one more horrifying than the last. This went on for days, possibly weeks, he couldn't tell any more the days seemed to blur together. Bumblebee couldn't understand why he was having the same dream again and again at this point he just wanted it to go away. "Are you ok Bee?" Rodimus asked one day after Bumblebee came into the staff room looking like he hadn't slept for months. "Its just this stupid nightmare that just keeps coming back no matter how hard I try." Bumblebee growled sipping his seventh cup of coffee that morning. "What's it about?" Rodimus placed a hand on his shoulder looking down at his friend's tired face. Bumblebee sighed, rubbing his temples "It's about a skeleton dragon in chains that tighten each time it gets closer to me," he continued "Causing the dragon's bones to break in a sickening wetting snapping sound until the dragon retreats." "Maybe I could ask my dad about this." Rodimus exited the room leaving Bumblebee with his thoughts. As he waited for Rodimus to return he couldn't help but wonder what the dragon in that weird dream meant; he knew dragons were symbols of luck, great power, and divinity. But an undead dragon was unheard of even in the Netherworld. If he remembers correctly skeletons are symbols of death, bad omens, and bad luck. The skeleton dragon he dreamt of didn't seem like it was dangerous though it looked like it was misunderstood being chained against its will. Yet he felt like it was a part of himself that had been sealed away for many years. "I'm going to have to ask dad about this." he thought when Rodimus came back into the room looking more tired than before. "So how did it go?" he questioned trying to keep the fear out of his voice. "Well dad says that it could be your subconscious trying to tell you something important, but he doesn't have any idea what the skeleton dragon could mean," Rodimus sighed "Can you describe the dragon maybe that will give us a clue." Bumblebee thought for a moment debating on whether or not to tell. "Well first off the dragon's bones are pitch black like they had been set ablaze, secondly it has ghostly sky blue fur that looks like a dying fire, and lastly its eyes are a ghostly ice blue that are devoid of hope, joy, and glow slightly." Bumblebee shivered at the thought of the dragon's appearance. He left the part about the cherry blossom forest being set ablaze. Bumblebee really hoped that they would be able to figure out what the dream meant before it got out of hand.

It was about three hours later. Bumblebee had just finished up his shift and was heading home. Opening his front door, he was greeted by a small black cat. "Hello there Ravage." he said, scratching behind the cat's ears. Ravage was his neighbor Soundwave's pet with his other pet Laserbeak. He had asked Bumblebee to watch Ravage while he went away on a business trip that would last a few weeks. Bumblebee of course agreed to the arrangement after all Ravage was a pleasure to have around. He even brought him to work at times so he could stretch his legs and explore. Rodimus and his father were big cat lovers; they didn't mind Ravage being there at all; in fact they loved it when Bumblebee brought him to work. The visitors also loved him, some even saying that Ravage would be a great therapy cat. When he ran the idea by Soundwave he actually agreed that Ravage did seem like a good therapy cat. Ravage was also a very quiet cat most of the time only using his voice if he needed something or to alert Bumblebee of something like the mail. Bumblebee made his way over to his desk. Putting on his headphones he started drawing. After a few minutes he looked down at his drawing. It was the skeleton dragon but it was in the cherry blossom grove from the other part of his dream. The dragon was sleeping next to a pond with black lotus flowers, seeming to be having a nice time. "What does this all mean?" he thought, laying his head down.

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