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The next morning, Jimin rises bright and early for his first day of work. He feels the excitement he always feels when he gets to do what he is passionate about, but he's also nervous.

He's worried the other employees will see him as the "big city jerk who thinks he's a know-it-all" because he can see why they would feel that way.

He used to work in a well-known veterinarian office, and he's sure the employees have plenty of questions as to why he gave up such a prestigious job with much higher pay to work at a small, locally-owned vet office with far less space and equipment.

And truthfully, if someone asks him why, he doesn't think he has a clear answer.

After showering and changing into semi-formal clothes, he grabs his white vet coat and makes his way to the kitchen, where he makes his coffee. He decides against breakfast since he's so nervous, so after his coffee is finished, he empties the pot into his large cup and grabs his wallet and keys.

After locking his front door behind him, he turns and groans inwardly as he sees the dark gray skies above him indicating the incoming rain.

"Great," he mumbles, walking to his car and unlocking the driver's door.


Jimin runs out of the office, holding his umbrella over his head as he makes his way into his car with a content smile on his face.

While he did indeed get a lot of questions on his move and change of job, all of them were inviting and not at all what Jimin expected of the day.

One thing he did expect, though, is the rain now pouring from the sky. What started off as a light shower has turned into a downpour, and Jimin drives home carefully so he can get home and cook himself something for dinner.

Another thing he needs to get used to aside from the lack of coffee shops is the fact that he can't go home and then order food to be delivered. This town is so small that none of the restaurants offer delivery. If he wants food, he has to pick it up or cook it himself. He's using this as a reason to eat healthier, so he's chosen the latter.

As he pulls into the driveway, he grabs his umbrella, opening it as soon as he opens his car door, and he grabs his now empty coffee cup so he can wash it once he gets inside.

He stops short, however, when he turns so he can shut his car door. His eyes land on something in his neighbor's yard. His eyes widen when he sees that it's his neighbor laying in her muddy yard, letting the rain fall freely on her soaked skin and clothes.

He thinks she might be dead or something until she reaches her hand up into the air, her fingers splayed open as she watches the rain cascade onto her hand, the water droplets sliding down her arm.

Jimin can't just leave her like that, so he jogs across the street until he's standing above the girl as she continues to lay on the ground, her eyes squinted in an effort to keep the rain out of them.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asks, moving his umbrella so it's over her head as well as his.

Her eyes move from her hand that falls back down to her side to Jimin's expectant and worried gaze.

Jimin feels chills run down his spine, not only because of the cold rain tickling his back since he's trying to cover the girl's head with the umbrella, but also because of the look in her eyes.

He has seen many, many people living their daily lives when he was in the city. He liked to watch them as they became excited about mundane things such as their favorite pastry being in stock at the coffee shop. He saw people upset that the weather forecast was completely wrong, and that their day was ruined because they spent an hour straightening their hair just for it to pour down rain on a day where they were told it would be sunny.

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