6. The Exam Day

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I want to know how should i make the chapters, long or short? Please tell me

Y/n pov

A new day. I can't stop thinking about this night. Why this had to happen? I should focus now, today is the exam

I stay on the couch and trying to study more before everyone is awake

Nino:Good morning, studying now?

Oh shit!

Y/n:G-good morning Nino

Nino:You look stressed, are you alright?

Y/n:E-everything is fine!

Nino:If you say so...

Y/n:And i'm sorry about yesterday


Y/n:I talked like a jerk

Nino:Y-yeah, it's fine. Did you heard something last night?

Y/n:N-no, of course not! I slept like a baby!

Nino:Oh, that's good

Y/n:Is something that i should know about last night?

Nino:N-no, it's nothing


Nino:And stop studying


Nino:Yesterday we studied enough. It's sometimes good a break



Everyone except Miku is here

Y/n:Where is Miku?

Fuutarou:S-she is already at the library

Y/n:But i woke up really early

Fuutarou:Well she woke up eralier than you

Y/n:Uh, ok

Fuutarou:We should go


Timeskip things, idk, i forgot the time to go to the exam

Y/n:So we are going to be late, perfect

Fuutarou:No if we hurry

Y/n:Do you think these girls will make it?


Y/n:Of course not...huh


Y/n:Hanae...is here


Y/n:I don't want to talk to her

Fuutarou:Then don't

Y/n:Heh, if she will see me...

Fuutarou:Just don't let her to see you and everything will be fine

Nino:Oh, what is the problem to be seen by your girlfriend?

Y/n:...you know, this is already annoying

After the exams

Y/n:Finally i can relax

Fuutarou:You still need to study

Y/n:Man, we just had the exams, can we not talk about school for a little?


Hanae:N/n kun!

Y/n:Not again

Hanae:I see that you are with your friends

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