Chapter Two: Chase Me

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"What's with that smile?" Andrew asks me, as he sits across from me at the kitchen table. I shrug and take a sip from my coffee.

I haven't been able to wipe the grin off my face since I met her. She took me to this nice coffee shop next to the store where we met, and we talked for hours. About the most random shit, too. We talked movies and fruit and coffee tastes.

"Could it have anything to do with the brunette that dropped you off a few days ago?"


After our coffee, she offered to drive me home, and me not wanting to say goodbye just yet said yes. Imagine my surprise when her ride had two wheels instead of four. She was daring me to back down, I knew it. And I'm not one to back down. So, I sucked it up, put on her helmet and got on the thing. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though I could tell she was holding back.

"Who's she?" he asks.

"A girl." I pull out my phone when I feel it vibrate in my pocket.

"And does this girl have a name?" He doesn't like that I'm being vague, he's never liked it. But he's too curious to let it go.

"Yeah." I see it's a text from her. My smile widens when I open her message:

Allie: Obi Wan >>> Luke Skywalker

I chuckle at her stubbornness. We spent a surprising amount of time yesterday arguing about Star Wars of all things. And, mad does she have opinions.

"Ian. Who's the girl?" Andrew asks again, slightly firmer.

"Allie." I glance up at him, then look back at my phone as I type out a reply.

Luke Skywalker lives

"And where did Allie come from?" Her little bubbles pop up instantly.

"Do I need to have the birds and the bees talk with you?" I raise an eyebrow and smirk.

"Don't be a smartass." He glares at me.

"I mean," I put my phone down. "Claire's your first girlfriend and all, so it's totally understandable if you don't know."

"Ha ha ha" he shakes his head, but he knows I'm avoiding answering him. "How'd you meet her?"

"When I went out the other day," I tell him, picking up my phone. "She came up to me, actually."

Allie: He kisses his sister. And a throwing-up emoji that makes me laugh.

Me: He becomes a Jedi faster than Obi-Wan.

"A screaming fan?" he asked with raised eyebrows. He knows I don't hook up with fans.

"She saved me from a screaming fan, actually."

"Really?" He looked impressed. "How?"

"This girl was lowkey harassing me, insisting I was who I am," I start.

"How dare she," he interrupts sarcastically.

"And then Allie came up, pretended we came together, and called me Max." It was simple, the way we met, and she literally let herself into my life. Now, she's stuck here. Not that I mind.

"Max?" He was surprised. So was I.

"I know," I said. "What are the chances, right?"

"And?" He asks.

"And what?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Tell me more about her," he says.

"I don't know." I shrug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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