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TW: panic attack

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TW: panic attack


A soothing atmosphere pervaded the lab. The equipment's buzzing and whirring were joined by the consistent clicking of a keyboard. Jordyn sat at her desk, working on uploading the lab's new security system. The last few months have been dedicated to updating the house's cybersecurity, as a warm-up of sorts. As soon as she finishes the task to Donald's liking, she can move on to Davenport Industries. Of course, she wouldn't be working there alone, as she was still a teenager, but she would play an important role.

Right now, Jordyn had to do a reboot which left the database temporarily vulnerable. The girl hoped no cyber-attack would be launched in the meantime. She was optimistic though, as she had checked the system in the previous few months and found no evidence of any attempt to hack it.

As she typed away, overseeing the update, the calm was disrupted by multiple approaching voices. Footsteps moved closer but stopped halfway into the lab. Jordyn could guess what had caused the group to come to a halt in their conversation. She raised her head to four gobsmacked expressions. They all stared at the motorcycle parked in the center of the room and Jordyn snorted at the display.

Leo was the first to regain his composure and he looked toward the girl, pointing at the motorbike. "This yours?" He asked. Finally, his siblings stirred from their trance and moved their gazes to her instead.

Joe quickly shook her head and chuckled. "No! I honestly would never get on such a death machine. Don- I mean, Mr. Davenport put it here."

"Mr. Davenport?" Adam asked in disbelief. He was aware of his friend's disdain for motorcycles, so he trusted her when she said it wasn't hers, but when did Mr. Davenport get something so cool?

She nodded but widened her eyes. "This reminds me. You better escape before he comes back. When he left he told me he's gonna dress up appropriately."

"Appropriately?" Bree asked.

"I was too scared to ask," Joe admitted with a shiver and went back to her laptop as the others gushed over the motorcycle.

However, an approaching squeaking drew their attention. Once Joe raised her head, she regretted it immediately and returned her gaze to the monitor. Mr. Davenport had entered the lab in a leather outfit and a bright smile on his face.

"So, what do you think?" He asked the teens with outstretched arms, presenting his outfit.

"I think you're begging for a gang of bikers to do rotten things to you," Chase deadpanned.

Bree wore a horrified expression as she looked down at the man's legs. "Are those my pants?"

Mr. Davenport chuckled and adjusted his jacket. "Not anymore."

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