Losing My Mind

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*Mel's POV*

What the hell was I thinking?! I regret going to the bar last night, and drinking so goddamn much. The only thing I remember is drinking eight shots of vodka, and doing it with Rollins in his bed. I check my phone, and see 10 missed calls and texts from Jon. I thought he wanted nothing to do with me anymore, but I guess he does care and have a heart. I call Colby and I hear him groan and ask "What do you want Mel?" I tell him "Last night was a big mistake, I shouldn't have let you go to the bar. I need time to myself." I put my phone down and literally broke down in tears.

*Dean's POV*

I feel bad for ignoring Mel last night, so I want to make it up to her by taking her out on a date. I try calling her, but it keeps going to voice-mail. I go to her room door and knock twice, and I hear glass shattering. I knew something was wrong, and I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I got my room key and got into her room, only to see that she cut her wrists. "Let's get you to the hospital Mel, you're not well!!" She tells me "I want to die alone!" I carry her to my car and quickly get her to the local hospital. We get here, and I scream out "I got a woman here who needs help!" The nearest nurse carts her off to the nearest room. Why did this have to happen? I blame myself for all of this.

*Seth's POV*

I wake up and see that Mel is gone. Where did she go? I walk to her room, only to see blood on the floor, and Dean's baseball cap on the floor. He's gonna pay for this, and I'm going to beat his ass for all the things he's ruined for me. I go back to my room, and grab all of my stuff. I'm going to get back the girl Dean lost, and reclaim the prize that I won. I ask Roman "Can you drive me the hospital so I can get Mel? I'm afraid he did something to her." He says "Sure. I want to know if she's okay, and that Dean didn't do anything to her." We got our stuff, and drove fast to the nearest hospital looking for my long-lost girl.

* Roman's POV*

While we were looking for her, I get a call from Dean. I hear him scream "She tried killing herself! We're at the hospital two miles from the hotel. Hurry!!" I tell him "Alright. We're not too far. Hold on tight!" We get to the hospital, and see Dean crying. Seth goes up to him, and then starts beating the hell out of him. I pull both of them apart and tell them "You both need to calm down! I don't know what's going on, but it needs to stop!" I go to her room, only to see her with wires all over. She tells me "I'm glad you came Roman, I couldn't bear to see Dean and Seth again." I tell her "I'm glad you're okay. I just want to say that I have feelings for you." She got up, got really close to me and began to make out with me. What's going on??

*Mel's POV*

What was I thinking in my head? I was making out with Joe, a guy I look up to as a brother. It doesn't feel right doing this with him, and deceiving Dean and Seth. I pushed him back roughly. He asked me "What was that for Mel?!" "That was for making a move on me! I only like Dean! That's it!" What was I saying?! I have feelings for all of them, but it's hard just to choose one. I lay back on my bed, and see Dean rush in the room, and all of a sudden, make out with me intensely. I gave in and started to actually enjoy this. Roman pulled him off me and started beating him up senseless. I screamed out "Stop it!! You guys are acting like children! Just leave me alone! I need time to think!" They both walked out sad. Am I actually doing the right thing?

*Melanie's POV*

I just learned that I have a story line with the two guys I did it with, Seth and Dean. How wonderful.

It was my turn to go out and Rollins is already standing in the ring. When I started talking, Ambrose's music hit. He hates me, what does he want to do with me?

As soon as he steps into the ring, his eyes dart right to me. I stared at him and he leaned closer into a kiss.

"Meet me at my hotel later on tonight" he whispered into my ear.

I look back at him as he walks backstage and Rollins was shocked. The whole audience was shocked.

*that night*

"Hey, why did you want to see me?"

*Dean pins her to the wall and strokes her body*

"I thought you hated me?"

*he strokes her waist causing her to moan slightly*

"not anymore, you're mine"

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