Chapter 8

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   I awoke in Dice's bedroom again but this time it was different. I was in his bed like before but now I was cuddle up to a shirtless Dice, who was asleep. I felt my face blushing uncontrollably and slightly wishing we could stay like this. Then I felt Dice trying not to laugh. I looked up and he stop laughing.

"I didn't realized you were awake!" He said in a surprised tone.

He started to show faint blush on his face.

"So since I am awake, what was so funny?" I said laying my head back on is chest,

"I was thinking how cute you looked when you were younger and asleep!" he said stroking my hair.

I giggled to myself because I remember how cute he was when he was asleep at the Orphanage. It's strange how much has changed, but yet it feels the same.

"Hey remember when we were kids and you promised you would take me on the next errand you went on?" I asked remembering our childhood,

"Yeah, why do you ask?" He said while playing with my hair,

"Do you go on errands for the boss?" I said looking at him again.

He now had a look on his face that basically said 'Oh HELL NO!'. All I did in response was smile.

"There is no way I am taking you!" Dice said while sitting up,

"You promise and shouldn't you keep your promises?" I said sitting up as well.

I also realized that I was also shirtless. I quickly went under the blanket again. Dice got up and grabbed my shirt to toss it at me. I couldn't believe that I was shirtless in bed with Dice. I looked back at him and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"You know who would be able to decide if you can go or not?" Dice asked while putting on his shirt,

"Who?" I said while putting on my shirt,

"The Boss man himself!" He said with a smirk on his face.

I got out from under the covers and walked towards the door. When I looked back to see if Dice was coming or not, he had a puzzled look on his face.

"What are you doing?" He asked putting on some shoes,

"I'm going to the Boss man and seeing if I can go or not." I said in a monotone voice.

I walked out the door and a few moments later I hear Dice's footsteps rushed out the door and towards me. He than match his pace with mine. As we slowly make our way to the Boss's office, I think about how Dice got here. Why was he here? Did he sign a contract that said he couldn't leave? ... Why did he leave me all alone at the Orphanage?

"Hey Dice I got I question for ya." I said while slightly slowing my pace,

"What is it Cres?" He said while trying to match my pace again,

"Why did you leave me all alone at the Orphanage?" I asked completely stopping.

Dice fully turned to me and with a look that read out 'About to die from fear'. I was about to reach for his shoulder but he moved away from me. He kept walking towards the Boss's office and I needed to do the same. I walked behind Dice making sure there was some space between us.

"We're here." Dice said in a monotone voice.

I am now regretting ever asking my question. We both walk in and make our way to the giant desk in the middle of the room.

"What do you two want?" asked the Devil in a annoyed tone,

"Cres was wondering if he could come with me on my mission, but I told him there was no way you would have allowed that!" Dice said seemly like he won something,

"Actually Cres might come in handing on your next mission. So you are taking him and NO BUTTS ABOUT IT!" The Devil said without looking at us.

Dice quickly turned away and headed towards the door. I bolted after him without saying a word to my Boss. Once I was next to him, he stop and looked straight into my eyes.

"If you are coming along with me then there is one rule you must know!" Dice said in a threatening tone,

"That one rule is don't get in my way!" He said while starting to continue towards his room.

Dice has truly changed. Dice knew that I would never get in his way and he also knew that I would follow almost every instruction with no hesitation. I somewhat wished things could go back to the way it once were... 

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