Chapter Three - Stories

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( Lily Luna's P.O.V )

We left Dumbledore's office . James was waiting for us outside . As soon as he saw us , he yelled " What did Dumbledore say ? " .  " Not here . We'll tell all of you together " Rose said . " Okay well , lets go back to the common room " James said . 

We walked back to the common room in silence . As we stepped through the portrait hole , we saw the others waiting for us . When they saw , they ran up to us at once . " What happened ?! " Remus asked . 

" Is there somewhere we can go and talk privately ? " Albus asked . " Yeah , we can go up to our dormitory " Sirius replied . He started going up the stairs and we followed him in silence . 

 We finally reached a door the had a plaque that read " 5th Year Boys " . Sirius opened the door and we stepped inside . There were four , four-poster beds with deep red velvet curtains . Next to each bed was a trunk . It looked exactly like our dormitory . I saw Albus looking around . He had never been in the Gryffindor dorms , since he was a Slytherin . We all sat down . 

" So , what did Dumbledore say ? What's the story ? What happens in the future ?! " Sirius exclaimed . 

" Sirius , calm down . " said Remus . " Are you even allowed to tell us anything ? " 

" Yeah we are " I replied . 

" SO WILL YOU BEGIN NOW ?! " Sirius said exasperatedly . 

" Alright , alright ! " said James . '' Now , this might come as a shock but basically , you two ( he pointed at Lily and James ) get married and ha-

" WAIT WHAT ?!!!! " Lily and James both yelled . " HA ! I knew I'd have you convinced at some point Evans ! " " There is no way in HELL am I ever going to marry James Potter ! Are you sure you've got your facts right ?? "  " Uhh yeah , I think I know who my grandparents are . Besides there's like hundreds of books written about you two " . James replied . 

a kid named Harry . Then one year later , Voldemort kills you two and tries to kill dad-I mean Harry , but ends up destroying himself instead . Then Hagrid brings him to the Dursleys house and leaves him on the doorstep for Petunia to find . Harry the has to stay there for 11 years until one day letters start appearing for Harry but the Dursleys dont let him open them . And on his 11th birthday Hagrid appear with a cake and his Hogwarts letter and tells him all about the wizarding world . Then on the first day of term the Dursleys drop Harry off to Kings cross station where he first meets the Weasleys . And-

" The Weasleys ?? You mean Molly and Arthur Weasley ? " asked Remus . 

" Yeah that's them " replied Albus . 

" So anyways , one of the Weasleys , Ron , sits with Harry in the train , where they meet a muggle born girl named Hermione Granger . And they don't really like each other at first .

" Then they reach Hogwarts , get sorted into Gryffindor and for a few months everything is totally normal . But on Halloween a troll get into the castle somehow and the three end up fighting it . They manage to knock it out until the teachers could find him . Then Hermione took the blame and the three became best friends .

Then they somehow figure out that Snape is trying to- " Snape ?! You mean Severus Snape ?! " asked Sirius .
" Yes that's him , and now can u please not interrupt ?! I'm trying to tell a story here !!! "

"Okay okay !!"

" So they think Snape is trying to steal a philosophers stone and try to catch him . Though it turns out he isn't stealing it but another teacher named Quirrel who has Voldemort in the back of his head is . Then after going through many obstacles in the way Harry finally reaches the stone and then kills Quirrel with his BARE hands !

And then they keep having these kind of adventures every single year at Hogwarts until the last year when there is a final war between Voldemort and Harry where Voldemort is defeated and is finally gone forever ! " I finished .

Everyone had gone quiet . I could tell from their faces that they were shocked . I mean who wouldn't be if they had just found out their future and known that they died in just a couple of years . 

" Ok so, what's next?" Sirius asked.

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