Flowers petals...

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Author; Hey you, reading this. There's sensitve topics such as death and blood in this. Please if this triggers you or anything like that DO NOT READ.


Sam POV;

I was training with the others when I started coughing.. I stopped when, pink flower petals and some blood came out of my mouth. But let's start from the beginning. My name is Sam Alexander. I'm also known as the Nova, and I have a crush on my team mate Web-head, er well Peter Parker/Spider-man.

We've been team mates and friendemys for a few years now and I've recently developed.. Feelings for the idiot. And on top of everything he's the damn team leader! I've spoken to Danny about it and he said I should just tell him but I'm to awkward for that! And he's too cool to accept me.. Anyway so back to earlier.

As I said my team mates and I were training and I was, kinda sometimes getting distracted by Web-head and how cool he is... Anyway. In the middle I started having a coughing fit and, caughed up pink flower petals & blood.. I have no idea what's happening but everyone came rushing to my side and, Peter put his hand on my back.. I looked up at him, tears in my eyes, I was scared.. And then I started caughing again. More petals and blood.

"Alright we need to get him to the Infirmary now." Peter said.

Danny stepped over and helped me stand "I'll take him, you guys finish training" the others reluctantly agreed and Danny lead me out of the training room. He had that look he gets when he knows what's going on.

"D-Danny.. What's happening to me..?" I asked, tears falling down my cheeks.

Danny sighed softly and responded "Hanahaki Disease.." I just gave a confused look, he explained further "Hanahaki Disease is a disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated and the victim dies. There's two cures."

I perked up. "What are the cures?!" I asked quickly not wanting to... Danny got a saddened expression. "Confession and reciprocation of the feelings or.. A surgery that removes the roots and.. Your ability to feel romantic feelings.." He explained.

I froze.. The surgery would remove my ability to feel love?? But it'd be my only option if Web-head doesn't love me back.. He probably doesn't.. What do I do?

I was snapped out of my trance when Danny snapped his fingers in my face. "Sam! Are you going to tell him?" He asked in such a way that seemed like he asked a few times. I looked at my feet "if he doesn't like me back.. I'll need that surgery if I don't wanna die, but I don't want to lose my ability to love.." I explained sadly. Danny gave me a comforting squeeze on my shoulder. "It'll be okay. Just tell him after training." He then helped me onto a bed in the Infirmary.


Word count; 532

SpideyNova Hanahaki DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now