Son Of A Preacher Man

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Trixie Mattel was a good girl. She always did her homework, she was well liked at school, and she dressed in frilly pink dresses. She got straight A's, her hair was always perfect and she smelt like vanilla. Her parents could not have hoped for a more obedient daughter and other families at church envied her parents.

One family in particular, were the Zamolodchikova's. Father Zamo was the priest at Trixie's church and he could have wished nothing more than for his daughter to be a little more like the Mattel's. It's not the best look for a preacher to have a gothic transgendered daughter, not to mention the fact that Katya was constantly getting into trouble. That's why the family encouraged the girls friendship so much actually, they thought Trixie would be a good influence on Katya even though Katya was 2 years older.

Katya thought Trixie was a bore.

Trixie thought Katya was hot.

And annoying.

Katya was really annoying.


The two girls were supposed to study together tonight, but both knew that Trixie would spend the whole time studying and Katya would spend the whole time drawing or writing in that little black notebook she alway carried around. Trixie hated that notebook. It always felt like Katya was talking about her behind her back in that stupid book.

Katya liked to pretend she was writing about Trixie just to bug her. Trixie was really easy to annoy.

That's besides the point though. The real point was, that this was going to be just another normal, completely boring visit. So they thought.


"Trixie! Come on down! The Zamolodchikova's are here!" Trixie's mother yelled from the front door.

"Ugh." Trixie sighed, immediately dragging herself out of her bed. Rolling her eyes about the next hour she was going to have to spend pretending to be nice to Katya. Trixie didn't hate Katya, but Katya didn't even pretend to like her so the doll was minimal with her kindness.

Trotting down the stairs, Trixie was met by Katya. The thinner blonde girl almost running into her head on as she took up the stairs.

"Oh hey Trix.." Katya hummed nervously, avoiding eye contact with the doll as she continued walking up to Trixie's room. There was a certain sneer missing from Katya's usual bratty tone. Trixie had never seen her like this. It was refreshing in one sense, but also a little bit concerning.

"Um- what homework do you have to get done?" Trixie asked, equally just as nervous as Katya had been. The older girl immediately gave Trixie a strange look and scoffed. Almost as if she was questioning Trixie for even the idea that she would do her work. That was more like the Katya Trixie knew!

Sitting down on her bed, Trixie watched as Katya sat in the usual place at her white desk, and pulled out her notebook and pen, beginning to scribble on the page.

The younger blonde couldn't quite place what, but she could tell there was something up with Katya. There was a dullness to her usually sparkly eyes and her perfectly groomed eyebrows were furrowed together on her forehead. Trixie never usually paid to much attention to that stuff.

"Why are you starting at me Barbie? Don't you have some homework to get to?" Katya snapped. Barbie. Trixie hated that stupid nickname and sure Katya, was always a little bit of a bitch, but usually she was just teasing. She actually sounded kind of mad.

"What's wrong?" Trixie suddenly blurted out. Almost immediately regretting it. Katya's eyes immediately narrowed and she stared harshly at Trixie before turning back to the page.

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