Day 12: New Encounters

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When I woke up again, the melody coming from the music player had begun to dwindle, but just like it was intended to do, I was able to rest peacefully, albeit I was a bit dizzy when I first woke up...then again, i haven't eaten anything in a while. I rose my head slightly, just enough to get some bearings on my surroundings, and the first thing I noticed was a small little food bar near my hand, attached to it, was a small little note with varying types of handwriting, though I could only read one due to it being the most clearly written one.

It isn't much, but we took notice that you weren't eating
...though I have to ask if you even noticed it yourself.
Regardless, when you're up for an actual meal, me and the others
found this neat place...and no, it isn't that expensive 


I had only begun to realize now, that I never really knew their full names, not like it mattered, I don't know anybody who has the same name as them...though it's probably because we've killed them on missions...nah. My drowsiness went away and I was able to stand without swaying, I appreciated the food and all, but I really wondered how the mission went. I looked over at the camera wall and saw employees working on Abnormalities. I've been here for a decent while now, yet it still feels unreal, the original L Corp was gone...yet it still looked and felt like the original...of course like I thought, it did feel unreal...but it gave this sense of belonging, like I could change everything with this place. I took the small food bar and unwrapped it, eating it while I watched everything through the cameras, after I had finished I left the office and headed down the elevator, I felt uneasy, it was really quiet in the hallway to the elevator, but then again, all the agents were working, that or sleeping, it didn't make it any better knowing that though. Taking another elevator after I left the first, I made it down into the facility. I saw clerks moving about, moving boxes and files. Agents were moving about, carrying either the kits that Tsuki had, or E.G.O gear from the things they had worked on. One of the agents came up to me, they seemed slightly worried.

"Oliver!" She walked up to me

"What's wrong" I saw a few agents run past behind her

"It's not a major deal...but you know the ordeals that were at the old L Corp?"

"They're here, aren't they?" She simply nodded. "It shouldn't be too bad, we're more kitted out than the old L Corp, let's deal with it, alright?"

"Yup" She took the spear off her back and joined the rush with the other Agents, she seemed a bit childish, but if she chose to join us, then I can't judge. I adjusted my rifle and joined the other agents, one of which turned around and when they saw me, they smirked and then continued looking forward. In my head, I heard some murmuring until it became clear speech.

"One day, a question crossed through my mind. Where do we come from? We were given life and left in this world against our own volition." It was too familiar, and the words were drilling into my head, and from what I could see, the other agents heard it too. I thought for a bit, then remembered, Green Dawn, right, that's what it was.

"Everyone! Make sure the Clerks are protected!" I ordered the Agents, some seemed to understand and started to head back to where they were. "Everyone else, I'm sure we all know this Ordeal"

"Those...mechanical things right?" The Agent sounded unsure.

"That's right, so we can't let them kill anyone...and if they do, we run of their attacks seems to traumatize people, and we can't risk that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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