❀ Trois ❀

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Trois : The weird noises Cats make.

Word count | 1350

Sorry in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes, so here take a cookie 🍪

A 24 year old Liam Payne, sighs as he listens to his best friend,Louis, moan on the phone about his recent departure from their shared apartment.

He listens with little to no ease as he weaves around his new bed room, the room was cluttered with hundreds upon thousands of boxes seemingly stacked around him and surrounding him in a maze of card board.

In his haste to grab hold of a box containing his clothes Liam manages to trip over, after his foot was caught in the flap of another box which was far behind him, with a grunt and a few cracks of his bones here and there ; Liam stands and reaches for his mobile just in time to catch whatever Louis was yelling about.

"...And that's why, i'm pissed, Liam why'd you have to leave, now I'm all alone, "

The brunette let out an exhausted sigh, a fond smile framing his lips, he brings the phone out from the space between his shoulder and neck.

"In other words, your a huge dick and don't get cocky, your real dick is probably small"

He didn't know whether to be offended;that his friend didn't ask if he was okay after he took a horrible fall ,and insulted him, or pleased that Louis didn't hear his screw up.

Liam let out a grunt,before he replies,

"Well, leaving my dick aside, you could just buy a pet so you wouldn't be alone, a cat perhaps?"

"You fucking with me Liam? It'll probably invite it's cat friends and eat me when I'm sleeping, or what if I'm getting laid and it starts making cat noises"

"You mean, meowing"

"Yeah, what ever, All I'm saying is that if I end up on the news or on a milk carton, then I hope your okay with having a guilty conscious"

"Louis, first of all your insane and second of all the whole milk carton crap is for missing people not the deceased"

"Is that your way of saying you won't mind me being dead, because if it is Liam you can guarantee I'll burn your toy story DVDs"

"No, wait what! How do you have those ? you were meant to give all my stuff to the moving company"

" well I needed something to black mail you with didn't i?"

"What ever Lou, just stop freaking out, you'll see me at work tomorrow"

"Like I'd forget, I'll be working with the Mr Payne"

"And I'll be working with the Mr Tomlinson"

"Liam, nobody likes a copy cat"

" But, I wasn-"

"and with that I shall leave you to what ever your life was like before I called aka meaningless, see you"


Liam breathed.He'd been on the phone with Louis' since the moving company had delivered his possessions at 5am and now it was 6am, they'd been talking for an hour and Liam's ear had started to ache in the first thirty minutes and Louis' squeaky voice didn't help.He was just glad that for the time being there was silence and no annoying best friends around.

Without Louis' chattering, Liam went back to the latest activity he was doing ; filling up the closet,bringing out a couple of shirts and jeans -from the boxes- beginning to hang them in the wardrobe.

❀ ❀ ❀

It may have taken a while, but Liam only had 6 boxes left and at least two of them were for the kitchen so he decided to finish them quickly so he could relax for the day.

Liam left the room with a card board box in hand(s) down the stairs towards the kitchen, laying down the box full of what liam thought was baking cutlery, he opened up the box and took out rolling pins and chopping boards.When he was taking out a whisk, a shrill ring was heard.

It pierced the silence and bounced off the walls, leaving an echo to sound round the house.

Really, Liam thought to himself.It was probably Louis,after all Louis was the only person to call him five times a day with no excuse what so ever.

Louis would just call and start a conversation and normally Liam would play along with it, but today after working hard with the boxes to properly furnish his new home, he couldn't stop himself from saying;

"Look, Lou no Cat is gonna eat you, your fine on your own"

The annoyance and exhaustion clear in the way Liam spoke,he was gripping a purple turtle neck his mother had suggested he should buy, more like forced him.She had complained that Liam wore dark clothing and that his wardrobe was dull and that he needed more colour in his life, that for now clothes would do.

"Sorry, Mr payne am i interrupting something?"


It was the principal from that college he'd be working in, 'West view grove'.Liam had completely forgotten about the trial he'd have to complete, the principal had told him all through out the whole interview - especially towards the ending- but if Liam was completely honest he zoned out as soon as he was told he'd gotten the job.

"Mr Payne"The principal coughed, almost immediatly breaking liam from his trance,

"Why, yes...wait no, your not, i thought my friend was going to call me" Liam confessed, a light blush from exasperation painting his face.He'd almost admitted the principal was a nuisance and honestly it wouldn't have been a lie.

"Well that's all in good fashion, but Mr Payne when will you arrive at the school for your trial?"

"Um, why 7:30 would be fine" Liam promised,

He let out a huff, away from the phone of course. He was going to need to save all the unloading of his things for later and the worse part of it all was that he had six boxes left to unload.


My phone's on 3% and it's nearly 1 am, but I wanted to update because it's been forever,


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