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•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Miami, Florida

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Miami, Florida

The deep waters of the ocean provided a mesmerizing view for everyone that was present on the sunny day at the beach. The shimmering waves of the sea that shone blue with a slight green undertone mirrored the rays of the hot sun. The refreshing breeze along with the aroma of the saltiness of the ocean water gave everyone a calm sense of relaxation. The ocean appeared to be a vast wonderland as one could hear the laughing sounds of the children playing by the water.

Among the many at the beach, there was a charming man looking at the time on his expensive watch and staying alert of his surroundings. He stood there casually, profiling each of the people passing by, as he looked for another target for his weekend grifting.

The young man wanted to have a relaxing day at the beach, but that didn't have to deprive him of a thrilling grift. He knew he had today's targets when two people, who he assumed were a couple, bumped into him as they walked by and didn't even turn back to apologize.

Idris Sterling's brain took note of all the details of the couple, as he observed the silver ring embedded with tiny diamonds on the blonde girl's ring finger, the expensive watch and sunglasses of the man and the way stood and presented themselves. He knew the couple were rich enough for his weekend task yet he had a feeling this was too easy.

Choosing to focus on the couple and to not let them out of sight, he followed them to the bar nearby and took a seat beside them on the bar stool. However, before he could work his charm and leave the place, the couple turned towards him and the man started the introduction as the girl only waved with a smirk sipping on her drink, "Hey there, Idris Nikolai Sterling. I'm Theodore and this is Arabella, and we have an offer for you."

The two crewmates were only met with silence as Idris took a minute to calculate every possible reply he could give them while also taking down every new detail of the way they spoke that had changed from before. He noticed how both now were more relaxed yet their eyes looked around for every detail, similar to his habit, assuring him that the offer was sure to be interesting.

"Go on, then, or are we going to a perhaps more discrete location?" he winked at them, which sent a mixed meaning but the two ignored it as they told him to follow them.

The three made their way outside and Theo took his place at the driver's seat as Ara gestured Idris to enter the car as well. Idris took a second before doing so, which was expected and appreciated by the two in the car given the abrupt situation of the offer and their field of work.

Arabella and Theodore, meanwhile, were glad to have found someone who'd be a valuable asset, if his answer was yes, and officially having started with building a crew. One step closer to their goal.

They had kept an eye on Idris since his friend, Cameron, had informed the two of his skills. Cameron was a part of the team for the London job, after which he had decided to live a normal life and stay with his family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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