57. Real Life

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"Lydia open the door!"

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"Lydia open the door!"

Lydia jumped slightly at the sound of someone banging on her front door.

She didn't want to answer it, but after hearing the voice of her best friend. She reluctantly walked to her door and opened it to reveal an angry looking Josh.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" Josh fumed as he pointed to his head multiple times to motion her craziness.

Lydia glared at the boy in front of her, not liking the way he was talking to her right now.

"Don't talk to me like that." Lydia crossed her arms.

"I wouldn't have too if you could get it through your thick skull that I'm not with Nessa!" Josh shouted making Lydia pull him in before she got complaints from her neighbors.

"I'm not an idiot Josh! I see the videos and- and the way you act when you're talking about her on your stupid podcast." Lydia huffed out as she went to walk away, but before she could Josh grabbed ahold of her wrist and turned her back around.

"Don't walk away from me!" Josh pulled Lydia close to him to where she was only centimeters away from his body.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Lydia yelled back. "And let go of me!" Lydia tried to pull her arm back, but Josh wouldn't let go.

"I-I just don't get way you're so pissed about Nessa and I talking. It's almost like you're jealous, Lyds." Josh calmed down a little bit as he started to realize why Lydia was mad and why she made that video about him.

Lydia scoffed. "I am not jealous of you and Nessa."

Josh looked at how flustered Lydia was, so he leaned down so he could whisper in her ear. "You sure about that?"

Lydia's sucked in a breath as she slowly turned to look at Josh and then his lips.

Josh leaned in slowly making Lydia close her eyes just waiting for him to initiate the kiss.

"Nessa waiting for me at the house, so I have to go." Josh stated causing Lydia's eyes to snap open and look at Josh like he had three heads.

"Fuck you." Lydia whispered as tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she looked how unfazed Josh was from what he just said.

"You wish." Josh smirked before back away from the girl and walking towards her front door.

"Have fun with Nessa." Lydia let out harshly.

"Oh I will." Josh grinned before leaving Lydia standing alone.


A/n: yikes... I wonder why Josh did that.

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