☁️ - Seiko x Ruruka | Toxicandy

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A/N : this was a request !!
I do not ship these two out I see why people ship them, now onto TW - and the story
TW - There is nothing I think

Seiko sat in her 'lab' mixing up a vile of a laxative, She'd need to restock due to the orders coming from the school nurses and the students alike. Seiko breathed in and out through her respirator mask, she took began to put the cap onto the vile before putting it in a box, adding the label 'LAXATIVE'. Seiko shifted around, holding the box and began to walk into the storage room. She finally got to the laxative shelf and placed it down. She then walked back to her work station, she only had a few minutes left of the school day. Then she could go to her dorm and sleep. Sleep. That's what she wanted, just a rest from all the pharmacy work. Seiko pulled her chair out and sat down on it, she attentively watched the clock. She spaced out for a moment, staring at the clock before rhythmic knocking began on the door, bringing her back to reality.

Seiko sprang up, and opened the door slowly to see Ruruka Ando, Ultimate Confectionist. Ruruka smiled and greeted Seiko happily.
"Seiko! Hello, how are you?" Seiko smiled under her respirator mask. "Im fine.. Did you need anything Ruruka? I see Sonosuke isn't here?" Seiko tilted her head slightly. "Sonosuke had something to do.. you free tonight? The girls and I are going to have a sleepover!" Ruruka smiled gleefully. Seiko nodded, "I'll be able to attend.. if you're wanting me to." Ruruka nodded aggressively and hugged Seiko tightly. "See you at 6, Okay?" Ruruka backed out of the hug and walked out of the room leaving Seiko stood there, blushing slightly from the contact. Truth behold, Seiko really only agreed to go since Ruruka was going and was hosting it, Seiko had a crush on the Confectionist since her childhood.

'I'm guessing Ruruka's dorm..' Seiko thought as the clock stuck 3pm meaning school had ended. Seiko packed up her table, walked outside of the lab and locked it with her key and walked towards the dormitory halls. Seiko's bag was heavy and full of medication and glass viles, she began to pass the dorms, There was Mikan's which was closest to the nurses office and Seiko's Pharmacy lab. Next was Ibuki's the Musician was to loud for Seiko at times, then forth, the others. Seiko got to her dorm which was atleast five doors down, her neighbour was Ruruka and next to Ruruka's Dorm was Sonosuke's.

Seiko unlocked her dorm and threw her bag down with a groan, she then walked towards her bedroom and sighed, she had three hours to get ready. 'How to pass the time..?' She thought as she rummaged through clothes to take, she pulled out a few books on medication and slipped them into the bag. she soon was complete with her packing with around two hours to waste, she put on the television and began to watch the slow rom-coms on tv.

- time skip to 6pm -

Seiko was outside the dorm at 6:00pm on the dot, she knocked on the door, she was always punctual, even with not exact times.
Ruruka opened the door with a smile and hugged Seiko, and let her inside. "Choose wherever you wanna go, It's only us and the other females that bothered to check their letterboxes." Seiko sighed, atleast it wouldn't be so crowded. Seiko set up her bags and her purple sleeping bag in the corner and Ruruka sat up next to her, smiling.  They awaited for others to turn up, no one else turned up.

- time skip 10 minutes later -

"Well this is awkward, no one checks their letterboxes..." Ruruka said annoyed, Seiko nodded. "Perhaps you've should have told them in person." Ruruka began to ramble on about how annoyed She'd be if they ignored her, Seiko listened. There was nothing else to do, "how about we play truth or dare Seiko?" Ruruka suggested after she'd finished her rambling. "Oh, sure!" Seiko smiled. "Truth or Dare?" Ruruka started off, Seiko thought for a moment. "Truth." Seiko finally answered after some hesitation. "Do you have a crush on anyone, if so who?" Ruruka said smirking slyly. "Uhm how about dare?" Seiko said, not wishing to talk about crushes. Ruruka's brow fell. "I dare you to tell me who your crush is! You also now need to kiss them or hug them within this week." Ruruka said, quite proud of her amazing dare. Seiko stared at her, before taking down her respirator mask and hugged Ruruka before planting a light kiss on her forehead. "you're my crush.."

Ruruka didn't do anything, everything happened so fast, she couldn't think. She just hugged back, tightly. "I love you, Ruruka." Ruruka heard Seiko say in a quiet voice before Ruruka responded, "I love you to, Seiko." Seiko smiled and tightly hugged Ruruka. They departed and smiled at eachover, "Thank you, Seiko. Let's stop playing Truth or dare," Seiko nodded and they sat on the couch next to eachover watching the television, They put on a horror movie that was chosen by Ruruka.

Seiko hugged into Ruruka which was also shaken up by the movie, they both whined before Seiko turned it off and put on a less scary movie. They cuddled into eachover before Seiko fell asleep, hugging into Ruruka. Ruruka kissed Seiko's forehead smiling before falling asleep.


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