Chapter 3

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Break-ups were always hard. If you had a big enough fight with a relative, family matters would never be simple ever again. If a friendship disintegrated, you would be haunted by shared memories for years. Having a rift with a co-worker could make your job unbearable. When the problem involved someone you considered a brother but who was also a lover and co-worker, things got even messier. The implosion of The Shield—detonated by Seth's iconic betrayal—was purely scripted, so it hadn't had a huge effect on their friendship, but it made hook-ups infinitely more difficult. Before Hunter's infamous 'Plan B', most of the other wrestlers didn't think twice if they saw one Shield member coming out of another's hotel room late at night. Planning their next strike, they would assume, or partying hard. If any of them thought sex was involved, they probably assumed The Shield had found a lucky ring rat—or two, or three—for the night.

Now Rose & Thorn was The Shield's only refuge on the road, and even that wasn't ideal. They had to arrive separately so they weren't spotted by any fans en route. In terms of hooking up with Becky, though, it gave Dean the perfect excuse to be seen with her. He could get a ride with her and Charlotte and then meet up with Seth and Roman at the club; Roman would always reserve a room in advance and have the keys waiting at the desk, and Dean would do his best to let Becky know what floor he would be on so they could meet up after the The Shield had finished fucking each other senseless. Charlotte was usually off doing her own thing for hours, so Dean had the best of both worlds: his time with Roman and Seth was like a hearty meal, and then Becky was dessert.

Or at least she was supposed to be. If he knew The Shield was going to Rose & Thorn after a show, he would try to slip her a simple red square—almost condom-sized, for convenience—backstage so she would know. Lately, though, Roman and Seth wanted to spend longer and longer together, and they were wondering why he didn't. "You got a sidepiece waiting for you, man?" Roman asked, holding on to Seth's hair with both hands as Seth sucked on Dean's cock. Seth might act like being sandwiched between Roman and Dean was some sort of penance, but he was the best at fellatio and seemed happiest when he was getting railed by Roman, so it really wasn't much of a punishment. When Seth tried to raise his head, Roman pushed him back down. "Not you. Dean."

"What?" It was hard to focus with Seth's mouth hard at work, and Dean had to blink a few times to clear his head.

Roman's reply never really got a chance to start, because he came just as he opened his mouth. His fists tightened too much in Seth's hair, making him moan, and the vibration went straight from Dean's cock to his chest, making his breath catch. After taking a moment to recover, Roman slapped Seth's ass and slid out of him, sitting off to the side. "You're not done yet," he warned Seth. "Dean gets to come before you do." When he stood to take off his condom, he glanced at Dean again. "So... like I said, you have a sidepiece waiting or something? You keep looking at the wall like you're checking for the time."

Most Rose & Thorn rooms didn't have prominent clocks, only the small display on the control panels by the doors. Dean's vision was still too blurry to see it from the bed. "Might prowl around a bit," he groaned, grabbing a handful of Seth's hair and thrusting up into his mouth to remind him to stay on task. "You guys are probably going to get... your regulars." He let out an incoherent string of swears as he climaxed, hand slipping out of Seth's hair. "Fuck," he rasped. "You okay, man?"

Rolling off to the side, Seth nodded, wiping at his mouth. "Gimme a minute, but yeah." When Roman wrapped a hand around his cock, Seth shook his head. "I need a minute, man."

"Aw, poor baby." Roman leaned down to kiss him before sitting on the bed. "We don't have to get any girls tonight, Dean. I'm cool with this." Patting Seth's abs, he added, "What about you?"

Seth managed a nod. "As long as I'm not in the middle all night, yeah."

Roman smirked. "But you fit so nicely there." He stroked Seth's belly idly as he continued. "Seriously, Dean, it's cool. We hardly get any time together anymore—well, not time when we're not supposed to be at each other's throats, anyway."

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