First Encounter

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(Makoto Naegi's POV)
I was pretty well known for my neutral take on problems and being able to solve them well without even more unnecessary problems, I'd dipped into some politics by recommendation and after some time by random luck got scouted to be one of the many students to go to hopes peak high. Strange really, they'd want an Englishman like me?
I put my tea down carefully onto the table beside me and readjusted my monocle as I reread over the letter, was I seeing this right? A school for ultimates in Japan eh? Well, seemed worth a shot.

First day, oh dear how I was nearly late. Not the best first impression for someone to get about me, though I couldn't help but look up and stare at the almost giant school ahead of me, as if I could feel it staring back down at me. How intimidating it was to even be near the school, as you could feel the powerful aura from it.
Who knows how long I sat there for before someone walked past me, snapping me out of whatever thoughts I had to look at them. I almost wish I didn't as a tall and sparkling blonde haired girl had passed me, unfortunately I didn't have the time to gawk unless I wanted to be late for staring at a girl, wouldn't that be front page news...

It took me some time (and a lot of running) to find my classroom, I stood outside the door momentarily to catch a few lost breaths before readjusting the school uniform we had to wear and stepping into the fairly loud classroom.
There was a lot of chattering and a few eyes turning to see who'd entered, the first one to approach me was a pretty bold redhead followed by a taller and slightly messier looking man.

"Hey! Who must you be?? I'm Leon Kuwata, though you may just know that already." He spoke proudly, waiting for a response from me. And a response he got.
"Morning Leon. I'm Makoto Naegi, it's nice to meet you" I spoke pretty calmly, I gave him a small wave before turning my attention to the man not far from him who clearly looked like he wanted to say something. "And you?" I'd added, hoping to prompt him into saying what he wanted.
"Well I'm Yasuhiro Hagakure! I assume by your strange accent you're not from around here right? That's cool!" He spoke, he seemed like quite a nice guy, definitely interested in getting to know him more.
"Well I'm from Britain actually, and I appreciate your compliment" I spoke with a small smile.
It only felt like a few seconds yet our teacher had walked in and we were informed of where we'd be sitting, I looked over at who went to the seats beside me. One of them was a lavender haired girl to my right, the other was a blue long haired girl to my left. No need to make assumptions yet! He didn't even know them, maybe they'd be interested in a bit of tea and a chat later.

(Sonia Nevermind's POV)
Once class ended I'd picked up my bag and swung it over my shoulder, as I double checked  I had everything I said goodbye to my classmates and began to leave the classroom, unfortunately being stopped quickly by a familiar pink haired boy.
"Hey Sonia! My Angel! I-I was thinking maybe we could go to a cafe together..?" He asked, placing a hand on the back of his neck.
"Kazuichi I've said this before, I'm going over to the library today! I'm sorry but it's a no" I spoke simply and before he could answer taking my leave.
After a few twist and turns in the hallways I got to the wonderful land of books, the library! I placed my bag down near a seat and grabbed myself a book or two. There was so many it was impossible to get bored! Besides there was quite a fair amount of fascinating true story books, they'd always leave you a bit scared.

I'd sat there for around 30 minutes before I could hear a strange accented boy rephrasing Japanese sentences to himself, seems like he was trying to learn how to speak it better. I'd looked up and decided to go over to the boy, maybe she could help him out! She knew how to speak it pretty well which helped understand her fellow classmates.

(Makoto Naegi's POV)
I'd been sitting there for awhile now rephrasing Japanese sentences to myself, it was always so frustrating whenever I got it even the smallest bit wrong! It had to be perfect or else they may not understand me, god why was learning another language hard.
Though I was too focused on learning said language that a sudden hello from someone made me jump.
And unfortunately fall back, how embarrassing...
"Agh! Bollocks!" I shouted to myself followed by struggling and eventually getting up.

"Goodness I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Are you hurt at all?" A soft and sweet voice asked, showing concern for the Brit.
"I-I'm fine, just a bit of a scare." I joked a bit before looking at the girl.
Goodness I thought my heart skipped a beat, or even stopped completely. What was this odd feeling?
"Ah well! I just heard you rephrasing a few things and thought you'd like a bit of help! It's not exactly my first language either you see, though I understand if you'd prefer to learn on your own." She spoke with a small and polite smile on her face.

I couldn't speak, I tried mustering anything to say something. God how impolite of me! "I-I um- I-...I don't mind...?" I stuttered, it sounded like I'd been left in the cold for days though she didn't seem to be phased by it.
"I'll help you out then if that's the case! By the way I'm Sonia Nevermind, what about you?" She asked.
Nevermind...Nevermind, yes that certainly rang a bell, royal family, goodness gracious how lucky he was to sit in front of a royal. He looked like a right fool earlier, clearly first impressions weren't ever the greatest.
"I'm Makoto naegi, i-it's really nice to meet you S-Sonia.." I could almost feel my face warming up as she let out a little giggle, as if she'd noticed.
"Well should we get started?" She suggested, and honestly all I could do was nod back.

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