Biology Class

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Wednesday. Hump Day. Aka, the worst day of the week. I hated hump day with everything in me. The dreaded middle of the week. The school week felt like it had been going on for years but there was also years left. This week however, was different. My biology seat had just been changed next to the most popular boy in school, Brock Daniels and he was known for getting three girls pregnant. My teacher assigned a project. Ironically, it was on sexual reproduction. We had to work with our lab partner. So I had to work with him. Brock. This project could only be worked on outside of school, so Brock said I could come over tonight since his parents weren't home. I had absolutely no experience with boys, but I told myself this was strictly an educational meeting. So, at 8 PM on hump day, I arrived at 83 Willow Street and knocked on the door. Not to my surprise, Brock opened up the door. On the contrary, to my surprise, he wasn't wearing a shirt, only his boxers. He told me to come in and said we should get to work right away. He led me up to his bedroom and said we could sit in his bed to work. After two hours, we had almost finished our project, except for one piece. We had to state the physical aspect of reproduction. Suddenly, Brock said, "Easy, the guy sticks his dick into the chicks dripping wet pussy, just like I'm about to do to you." My heart dropped. I had to be dreaming. I suddenly broke a sweat. "What?" I said innocently. "You heard me," said Brock. And with no further hesitation he ripped off all my clothes and started swiftly fucking me with his tongue. I was so confused but the sensation felt so amazing that I couldn't stop myself from basking in every second of the experience. Then, he picked me up and threw my head onto the pillow. He took off his boxers to reveal his 11 inch cock. It was so veiny and hard. I was nervous, seeing I had never had sex before, but my pussy was so wet that I barely even felt the thrusts, it was so lubricated. Afterwards, we finished our project and never spoke of the day again. So Wednesday really was hump day after all.

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