main tumara 14

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Aman (call) - arhaan what happened any information.
Arhaan - yes aman roshni is believing me but i just can't fool her.
Aman - arhaan pls don't feel like that we are doing good for roshni only right pls cooperate with me.
Arhaan - yes aman and aman actually i have saw her accounts data and talked to the accountants but there is no problem with them but the data has been scammed i don't know how is it possible .
Aman - arhaan someone is lying in them just do one thing (mute...) do this ok that person will be clearly found by themselves .
Arhaan - what a plan aman 😃😃.
Aman - 😏😏 (smirks)
Salma - if roshni accepts to marry aman that is enough for my life.
Rehaan - ammi what are you talking haa... If rosh marry its enough for you but what about me ha you don't care about me.
Salma - not like that beta you and shayri are already loving each other but roshni is not loving anyone right that is only my problem.
Parveen - ha salma ji that is also true even i want aman to marry roshni .
Junaid - we should have talked to ahmed when he was alive only so that he must have told any idea for us.
Salma - but its too late brother.
Rehaan - ok ammi i have to go to my office so bye take care bye ,bye everyone.
Arhaan - rosh I want to talk to all the staffs so that I can know how the hell helped that bastard 😡😡.
Rosh - bastard whom are you talking about .
Arhaan - umm bas...bastard means it's aman then whom that aman bastard da...daa...darnit (mind) sorry aman 😳 but really calling you bastard has a trill .

Writer - wah calling your friend bastard is really trill huh 😉😉.
Arhaan - shut up 🤨🤨.
Writer - haha 😂😂

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