Peace and tranquility (Tyhil)

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A scream echoed through the building as a navy haired man ruffled through his hair, pulling on it desperately, while putting his head down on the table.

Tyson Granger.

He had matured, only physically, his navy blue hair were still the same but his voice had deepened and his jawline had gotten sharper, His height was a lot taller than before. Though he was looking a bit distracted and stressed. He was wearing a dark blue coat a white T shirt and black pants. A semi formal look befitting of the 22 year old CEO. Although he would usually go for someone casual, he had a company to run and you can't wear a T shirt and sweatpants in a meeting. Unfortunately.

"Tyson! Stop screaming and concentrate! Or else we'll never get this done!" A pitchy angry yet tired voice rang out in his office.

"I'm sorry Hils, but what am I supposed to do, All this work seems to be increasing minute by minute."

"That's cause it is, and I'm not blaming you on this one, it's because we're both so tired that we're being slow, usually we would've gotten this done long ago but it's only increasing."  A sigh escaped her and she looked at the paperwork piling up.

Hilary Tachibana

She hadn't changed that much, her hair had gotten a bit longer, nothing much. But she was looking a lot more tired than Tyson. She was wearing a short black pencil skirt, white shirt and black heels and long silver earrings. She was also doing quarter of Tyson's paperwork since she had lost a bet to him. Stupid bet, stupid Tyson, stupid paperwork, did she mention stupid Tyson?

It was evening and they had been working non-stop. They hadn't even eaten anything. Just how is there so much paperwork today.

"You do know that you can give me my share of work right?"

"Nope! I'm not backing out. As much as I'm tempted to, I don't back out on bets."

"This conversation feels like it's making me lose my braincells."

She snorted "you know what braincells are?"

"I'm serious Hilary." Although he couldn't stop the smile that made it's way to his lips at her words. She hadn't changed at all, still full of snark and sarcasm. At least her snark worked as a stress reliever for both of them.

"You and serious? Who are you and what have you done to my Tyson?" She said smugly but her eyes widened when she realized her mistake only when the words were out of her mouth.

"My Tyson? Since when was I yours?" Tyson smirked while cocking an eyebrow.

"Tell me, since when was I yours?"

He leaned on his elbows and showed him such an expression that her cheeks went red.

This was so unlike her, she never blurts out stuff like that. Since she was the secretary of the CEO of BBA, she always had to deal with people who wanted to take advantage of her, and thinking before speaking had become such a habit, that she couldn't even talk to her friends from outside blading without making sure that she was saying the right thing.

It wasn't a bad thing that she did that but she felt bad that her subconsciousness was wary of every single person she met.

So why did she make a mistake today?

Hilary got nervous and because of his gaze her heart was doing backflips. As she slowly looked up from her lap and made eye contact with him. Her cheeks had turned a light red shade. They didn't break eye contact and just gazed at each other.

Until a knock on the office door startled them and they both turned their gazes towards the door. Hilary was relieved that she was saved.

He narrowed his eyes at the door and gave a small, short glare and told the person to 'come in' while resuming his work but not before giving small glance to Hilary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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