20. Subtle, He Isn't

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Wei Ying's hand felt slightly tingly. "I'm sorry," he blurted. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to touch you there on purpose."

Lan Zhan stood up and turned away. "I know. It's time for bed." He grabbed the comb, forgotten on the floor, and placed it carefully on a table.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying wasn't quite sure how to phrase his question. "Is it that you don't want to be touched there, or you don't want me to touch you there?" He scrambled to his feet, not wanting to have this conversation while lying alone on the floor. He also didn't really want to have this conversation with Lan Zhan's back. He could at least solve the first problem.

"Does it matter?" Lan Zhan's voice sounded flat.

"I would think so," Wei Ying hedged. "I wouldn't mind it if you touched me there, but I would if someone else did."

"You wouldn't mind it if I touched you." Lan Zhan repeated.

Wei Ying laughed nervously. "Well, it would be rather awkward if you just did it with no warning, but if you did it while we're kissing? Isn't that where kissing usually leads? Eventually, I mean. Like the books show? Sometimes, I mean. Not like it has to lead to anything more than kissing. I mean, if all you want to do is kiss and suck marks on my shoulders, then.... I'm fine with just that. But if you wanted something more?" Wei Ying realized he was babbling and forcibly shut his mouth.

"You might want more than just what we've been doing?" Lan Zhan's voice sounded lost and hopeful at the same time.

Wei Ying could feel his blush expanding from his face to his chest. "Lan Zhan... I like touching you through your clothes, but sometimes I think it would be nice if they weren't in the way." Lan Zhan whirled around to stare at Wei Ying. "If you don't want to, it's fine! We can... keep things the way they are."

"You...," Lan Zhan took a deep breath. "Back in Lotus Pier.... I took my shirt off...."

Wei Ying laughed in embarrassment. "And I walked straight into a post. I never did tell you how beautiful you are, did I?"

"Wei Ying... I thought you didn't want to touch me."

That observation made Wei Ying double over in laughter. "Lan Zhan!" he wheezed. "I've been trying to touch you almost since the day we met! I know you don't like it, though, so I... I was going to say I don't, but that would be lying. I touch you less than I want to."


The ending of the word tilted up, like it might be a question. Whether it was a question or a statement of intent was irrelevant: Wei Ying nodded 'yes' to either. To all of it. The environment was now too awkward to resume where they left off. So instead, they prepared to sleep. In the process of settling down, Wei Ying deliberately slid his hand under Lan Zhan's shirt to lightly clasp his side.

The skin on skin contact made both of their hearts beat just a bit faster. It was enough. For now.

The Nie sect leader was pontificating at their kitchen table when Wei WuXian deigned to arise the following morning. Wen Qing sat opposite, arms folded, face set in opposition. Wei WuXian knew this look very well: she was either going to say 'no' or 'absolutely not' to just about everything.

It was going to be glorious seeing this happen to someone else for a change.

Nie ZongZhu finished his oration and Wen Qing began dismantling his points. In order. Wei WuXian smothered his grin by forcing porridge into his face almost faster than he could swallow.

"I will not permit Lan WangJi to go plead our case to the GusuLan." The man in question was kneading dough for bread, and looked over his shoulder at the doctor with questioning eyes. "Lan QiRen's displeasure with how his nephew handled being punished is common gossip even here away from the great sects." This was news to Wei WuXian; he hadn't heard anything. He also rarely paid attention to gossip. "We're just lucky that the people gossiping about the great HanGuang-Jun don't realize he's the same person they're haggling with over the prices of vegetables. If I send Lan WangJi home, it might be another year before he's permitted to leave Cloud Recesses. No. Nie ZongZhu, you may talk to Lan ZongZhu yourself. Or send Nie Er'GongZi. You may ask Lan ZongZhu to meet A'Xian in a neutral location. Do not invite him here." She paused to take a sip of tea, and frowned. "A'Xian, the tea is cold. Please brew a fresh pot."

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