Unexpected Meeting

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Aku itu orang yang pengen banget ngerasain cinta-cintaan yang biasanya sering terjadi di dalam film-film romance comedy. My favorite movies are 10 Things I Hate About You, A Star Is Born, 500 Days of Summer, La La Land, and many more like that, you got the point. I want a love that I know it's love from the first sight. I want something that sparks fire inside my heart and make me lose all logics in my head and just follow my heart blindly. Aku sepengen itu ketemu orang yang bisa membuat aku ngerasa "disembah", like realistically speaking, it's 1 in a million but still I want that excitement. Kalau aku bilang aku tuh tipe orang yang ga menaruh ekspetasi ke love interestku, that would be a hard lie, like that's not me and would never be me. Aku tuh tipe orang yang selalu menaruh ekpetasi tinggi ke orang, yang dimana kalau ekspetasi itu ga sesuai sama realitanya ya aku bakal down banget dan malah bete ke mereka. Like I'm a leo, I will give you 1000% of effort no matter what as long as I like you. Kayak, aku aja susah banget suka sama orang dan selalu membatasi mereka dengan dinding yang super tebal. One of my love interest once said to me, I was like a house with lots of windows but it's all locked up. You can take a peek into my real self but you can't really see what's inside that's why people around would feel like I'm not giving them the same energy as they are. What he said is true. And I don't have any intentions to change that. Aku merasa kalau hal itu merupakan caraku untuk memproteksi diri dan keeping my circle small. And then I met him, his name is Ian.

Pas itu aku lagi pulang ke kota asalku sebut aja kota B yang dijuluki the rain city or bogay, you pick whatever you like more. I was in my hometown for about 3 weeks to visit my families and to celebrate Eid Mubarak. A lot of family dramas, reunion with old friends, got to meet new people, etc etc. 3 weeks up and on Monday I'm on my way to the airport to flight back to Bali. From my city to the airport took like 2 hours by car and my family drove me there. I was originally only bring a small bag of clothes and I don't know what happens but right before I was out the house my grandma told to to bring this big box full of snacks and kid you not pas sampe Bali tangan gue lecet lecet karena tu kardus seberat itu. Anyways, aku sampe bandara dengan penampilan kumuh karena om dan tanteku yang nganterin aku itu bener-bener berantem selama 2 jam perjalanan cuman gara-gara omku takut aku telat flight dan tanteku kelamaan beliin oleh-oleh buatku. Aku langsung stress banget dengerinnya only to found out when I arrived at the airport my flight dari maskapai S yang biasanya aku hindari banget tapi karena kebetulan harga tiketnya murah banget, delayed for 2.5 hours. So all the argument my uncle and aunty was having on the car became meaningless. So I strolled around the airport for a couple hours, smoke some, then waited by the gate nenteng-nenteng kardus kayak orang yang baru mudik banget. Then I saw him. Cute guy in a blue shirt yang mondar-mandir di depanku terus dan terus-terusan ngelirik ke aku. Right at that moment, a friend of mine from my hometown texted me.

Her : U at the airport?

Me : Yea my flight got delayed for 2 hours. S Airline sucks so bad I hate it here.

Her : A friend of mine from high school saw you, he's in the same flight as you.

Me : Oh really? Come say hi then, I'm bored to death. He cute?

Her : He changed his mind, he's shy.

And that is it.

Aku punya kebiasaan setiap post story di Instagram harus ngecheck siapa aja yang liat storyku. And then a day after I arrived in Bali I noticed a guy stalked my story. I just had this gut feeling to give this guy a follow (mostly because that friend of mine from before follow this guy too). A minute after I gave him a follow, he messaged me.

I knew from that moment, I found it. I found kisah cinta yang kayak di film-film rom-com. So happy for me. This story doesn't have an ending yet. I'm still looking forward to it how it would end. Is it gonna be 10 Things I Hate About You because honestly we have this cats and dogs vibes, or is it gonna be 500 Days of Summer where we ended up hating each other and giving each other a big trauma?

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