"She's" hot 💀

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I have no idea why I thought about this story.

POV: Eddie

Sigh... Fuck, all I could think about is BIG tities. Her big tities, I got up from bed to put on my clothes and headed to work. I work at a strip club, I'm the bar tender. As I arrived, I opened the doors and went to the bar to clean up the cups. One of the guards are approaching me, I looked up to come face to face with Mully, who is a guard. "You got the drugs?" Said Mully in a cold  voice. "Ya, why does Josh need this?" I asked in a very very cold voice, I could tell I scared Mully. "I-it doesn't matter." Said Mully grabbing the bag of "Angle dust" and walking over to the other guard Narrator. I rolled my eyes and continued to clean, once I finish, the door open and the place began to full with people. I sigh, of course, the first place to go to, the bar. I took all of their orders, the waitress started handing out the drinks, once I could relax. "Hey Eddie!" Said a familiar female voice, I turn to see Juicy, waving at me, she started running towards me. I watch as her boobs bounce up and down, I remember my thought this morning, I want to touch her boobs, I want to squeeze them, I want to make her moan my name- "Same as always?" I asked, pushing away the dirty thought.

POV: Juicy

"Yes please!" I said happily, as Eddie returned with my drink, I fell in love with him more. God he's so hot, if only he knew. "So what did you do today Mi Amor?" Asked Eddie, trying to start a conversation, I love the nicknames he give me. "Nothing much, just slept in, what about you Ed?" I say. Eddie stayed quiet, I realized that he was focused on my tits. I chuckled, "So are you going to tell me about your day, or are you going to stare at my tits?"I said, rearranging my bra so Eddie could get a better view. "My day is going better, now that your here!" Said Eddie, smiling. I smile back.
- a few hours later -
I groan at the pain in my head, fuck I drank to much, I think Eddie drank more than me. FUCK!!! Snap back to reality Juicy! Eddie kissed me, I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck, Eddie carried me to an empty room with a bed in it, in case anyone wants to have sex or jerk off , Eddie laid me down and kissed my neck, I moaned loudly as Eddie squeezed my tits. Shit, he's going to find out, I should just spit it out right now. "Eddie, there's something I have to tell you." I said slowly and Eddie looked at me. I let out a sigh. "My name is Geage Gibson and I'm a boy!!" I said really fast and pulled down my pants and underwear, Eddie's eyes widened.

POV: Eddie

Juicy pulled down her pants and I stared at her, or should I say him, Juicy has a dick, and actual cock, and his name was Geage Gibson? Juicy started to look nervous. "If you don't want to have sex, I get it.." said Juicy putting on his pants, I grabbed his tits. He moaned, looking at me, "How did you get these puppies?" I asked squeezing them, Juicy moaned loudly. "My uncle wanted me to have boobs and he wanted me to get pregnant, so I got surgery and when I was able to leave the hospital, I never saw him again." Said Juicy happily. I smile, "Let's continue, shall we?" I asked, Juicy nodded, and we resumed to the sex we were having.
The End!

Story completed
Words 644

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