Chapter 17 - Welcome To Forries

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You know that scene in Fifty Shades of Grey where Christian comes to Anastasia's aid when she's drunk and fights off Jose? I've always imagined that I would have a scene like that, where I'd get into a fight with my man while I'm drunk and I hung up on him. Then he would miraculously find me at some club where I'm being boxed in by some unwanted creep and come in and save me.

But this didn't play out like that. There was no unwanted creep, no fight and I didn't puke all over his shoes.

Wesley was so gentle with me, he told me I looked beautiful and draped his leather jacket over my shoulders. I placed my hand on Wesley's shoulder as he bent down to help me out of my heels. As he came up he scooped me into his arms, carrying me out bridal style.

I sighed, taking in the view of his GQ-ready face.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Everything was spinning but him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, admiring his beauty. He really was a beautiful man, I get why all the girls go gaga over him.

"'Ppreciate it babe" He was still mad at me.

"I'm sorry Wes."

"We'll talk about it when you're sober." He placed me on my feet so he can open the passenger door. I was so drunk he had to help me fasten my seat belt. The sound of the car door slamming sounded ten times louder than it should. I watched him walk around the car to the driver's seat.

"Why'd you bring your car?" I said watching him get the car started. He placed one hand on the back of my headrest and looked back, reversing his car out of the parking spot. I knew he hated driving.

"So I can fetch my drunk girlfriend and not worry about her falling off my bike." I had to cross my legs because I was getting turned on watching him drive.

"Is that what I am?"

"What? Drunk?"

"No. Your girlfriend."

He gave me his first smile of the night. "Isn't it obvious?"

"I don't remember you asking me..." He took my hand and intertwined his with mine before bringing my knuckles to his lips.

"River Coleman, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped. "I will if you stop being mad at me."

He releases a heavy sigh and steals a glance at me. "I'm not mad at you baby, I just..."

I watched him tap his thumbs on the wheel. He's getting fidgety. "I just hate when you nag and poke. When I ask you to drop it, I want you to drop it."

The funny thing about drunkards is they rarely do what they're told...

"Well, I hate it when you keep shit from me! Is it so unreasonable to want to know what's going on with you? To know what's going on with my boyfriend?!"

"Jesus River! Drop it!"

"No! Because-" My voice cracked and my eyes stung. Geez if I cry again, I'm going to slap myself. "Because I just want to be close to you and the closer I get the more you push me away! Your stupid secrets are driving a wedge between us!"

The car came to an abrupt stop and I recognised the place I had called home for so many years. We had literally argued all the way home.

"I'm not having this conversation with you. You're drunk."

"Well," I fought with the seatbelt and stumbled out of the car. "Drunk me will tell you the same thing sober me will. Fuck you!"

Just to emphasise my anger, I slammed the car door and stumbled to the door and shut that too. Somewhere in my drunken mind I made a mental note of talking to my mother about leaving the door unlocked. The knock on the door made me turn back and open it.

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