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Another targaryen king took his place on the iron throne. This king was a good king for a time but he changed into madness.

Where he would watch people burn in the throne room to not caring for himself. He was a father to 2 sons with his queen which was his sister. His oldest son Rhaegar needed a wife so the hand of the king Tywin Lannister offered his daughter Cersei Lannister but the old mad king refused. Instead the king went with Dorne. The wedding was a large one and to the eyes of everyone the crown prince looked like he was in love with his new bride, his princess.

The young couple soon had children of their own. The next rulers of the seven kingdoms. Over the years in the seven kingdoms the mad king was ruling poorly and people were afraid to come to court. Fearing that the king would burn them alive. Not only that people were getting fed up with the mad king's rule. But they were afraid to push back.

But one day the crown prince Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped a young lady, Lady Lyanna Stark when she was not looking. And he rode away from the crowd of people. That news traveled fast around the seven kingdoms. Lyanna's family heard and the heir to Winterfell was pissed and he rode to the capital demanding his sister back. But the mad king had other plans. Where he threw Brandon Stark in the black cells where now it their father, the lord of winterfell rode to the capital to get his son. Which he found out by a raven from the mad king.

Leaving two starks in Winterfell, Eddard Stark and Benjen Stark.

When the lord of Winterfell entered into king's landing wanting to see his son and wanting to know where his only daughter was. But the lord of winterfell died along with his son in the court by the orders of the mad king. Their deaths were hard to watch by others but the mad king was laughing at the pain of the Starks.

That is where everyone had enough of the Targaryen's. Making young Eddard Stark the lord of winterfell. The mad king ordered out in the court that he wants Eddard dead but that did not happen what so ever. People were getting ready for a fight. And the people still believe that Lyanna Stark was with Prince Rhaegar Targaryen but no. Lyanna was with Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning.

He and Gerold Hightower had to follow the prince but they changed their colors in a way. Arthur and Lyanna fell for each other, it was Arthur that got Lyanna away from the prince. They both fell in love and they got married in secret and having Gerold Hightower as a witness to their marriage. Arthur Dayne had to forfeit is ranks of the kingsguard to marry Lyanna but no one has to know the truth. Between them Lyanna become pregnant both were over the moon for their first child.

Arthur along with Gerold Hightower went to the tower of joy in Dorne so she can give birth. Lyanna did give birth to a boy, Arthur was in the room to help Lyanna in anything she needed. But as a result of the birth Lyanna was losing to much blood, she was dying. It was breaking Arthur seeing her like this.

He was holding his son when the front door of the room opened up showing a unknown man. Arthur thought it was Gerold but no it was Jon Arryn.

Jon Arryn heard everything that Arthur said to him and Lord Arryn believe Arthur Dayne and Lyanna told lord Arryn the truth as well.

" Where's ned?"

" He is in the capital with Robert".

Arthur and Jon Arryn stayed by Lyanna while she passed from the world. Lord Arryn took the child with him where Arthur was okay with it. Jon Arryn was going to the north to give the child to Ned. For Gerold and Arthur were later collected and bought to the new king where they bend the knee to Robert Baratheon, they stayed apart of the kingsguard to Robert Baratheon.

Arthur and Gerold did not care about the new king, they're allegiance are to the Starks and no one else.

Since that Lyanna Stark was dead Robert Baratheon needed to marry so Jon Arryn pushed Cersei Lannister to be his wife. Eddard Stark knew the truth what happen to his sister and now he has her child, Jon Arryn told him everything and it was up to Ned to rise the child up. Eddard Stark took the child on as his own son, giving him the name Jon Snow. A bastard of Winterfell. Raising the child with the true born children in Winterfell.

But when king's landing was sack all of the Targaryen's perished, no one was able to escape from the capital. All of the Targaryen's were gone. Making a new era with the Baratheons and the Lannisters.

Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister were the worse couple that could ever happen. They lost their first child, when that happened Cersei went to her twin brother Jaime. Which Jaime is in the Kingsguard. Between them they have numerous children but Cersei passed them off as the king's.

Ruling for 16 years Jon Arryn being the hand of the king died by the hands of his wife but it passed off as a fever. Making Robert Baratheon lose someone close to him and him chosing to head north to make Eddard Stark the new hand of the king. Along with his daughter marrying the king's son Joffrey Baratheon. To join both their houses. And there is nothing more that Sansa wants to become Queen.

Careful what you wish for.

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