9. Escape

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I was confused at why the door was open as though I closed it before leaving. And never forget Jun is in there, why would he let it opened? Or my grandma either? I shrugged my thoughts away and got in, the house is in a dead silence 'What the fuck is happening here?' I got annoyed of the weird atmosphere inside. Without taking off my shoes I ran to the living room and saw the neighbors there sitting quietly.

"Um.. Excuse me? Is there something wrong?" No one answered and the man started calming his wife by patting her back as she began sobbing. I think I knew the problem, a simple glimpse of feeling saying the truth but not sure. My eyes filled up with tears as some rolled down on my cheeks, I cried without any sound.

Jun stood up and walked towards me "She went to a better place than this world" He put his hand on my shoulder and I kneeled down "Why does every bad thing happen to me?" I sniffled, everyone, I counted her as a family for me, no trust anymore, whoever they are, this world is full of hurtful surprises. My head tilted slowly to the floor as I cried louder. The standing boy bowed to my height and pulled me into a hug while rubbing my hair lightly.

Two hours passed, I fell asleep into Jun's arms on the ground. "I think I'll leave now, boys if you needed anything just come to us" I woke up to the woman saying before she leave.

"It might be painful for you two, but we're always here. Please take care of yourselves we're here next to you if anything happens, don't hesitate to tell us" Her husband said with a smile then followed her. I stayed silent, thoughts running around in my head which I can't explain what. "You up?" The Master asked and I nodded "Hm.."


"After you left, she was washing her face then suddenly collapsed on the ground. I couldn't pick her up so I called that man earlier, he was washing his car. We took her to the hospital but as soon as we entered she stopped breathing, therefore the doctor told us she passed away and he was sorry for the bad news" He finished and straightened his sitting position. No one said a word after that, I only listened to what he says without saying anything. 'I think I should accept how my life is going and move on, maybe fight a little bit..? Nothing shows if I can handle everything'

"Aren't you going back?" I got to the point I wanted to ask directly "No one is left to wait for, although you don't know her. Neither do I" My last sentence was a low whisper.

He answered so calmly "Soon"


"What do you mean by someone is going to buy the house??!" I yelled at this stupid boy who is from a rich family but cannot use his head properly. What does he have instead, a potato?

"Today at..." He stopped while pointing at his watch "After 3 minutes" I looked at him with a deadpan face for few seconds then hold him and started shaking and scolding him "Are you insane?? This isn't our home, you stupid. What if we got a fine, HUH?! Oh my g–" I stopped when we heard the door bell ringing. I faced him then looked at the door, he did the same. I glared and let him go then went to open.

"Sorry sir, we're not available right now" Before I close the door the young man spoke up and opened the door "She's my mother wait" So quickly I let him in and apologized, I glimpsed this cat boy smirk-laughing with crossed arms while checking his nails. I led the boy to the living room and excused myself.

I came back with a glass of juice and gave it to him "I'm really sorry about my actions" I apologized repeatedly.

"You said you want to move back with your parents so I came here to sign the house under my name so no bills will come to you"

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