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(Srry I haven't done anything I just didn't have the motivation) 
Vinx was entering school when Nami came out of nowhere... "YO! Are you dating The emo girl?" "N-no! W-where that come from? (Oh minnie mouses!! Did he see Laura kiss me on the cheek?)" "BC YOU TOOK ME DOWN BUT YOU DIDNT FINISH ME OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFF!!!!!"  Nami sanged. "Uhhhh didn't know you liked mean girls?" "WDYM? I love mean girls!!!" Narrator speaking, I made that reference bc I was listening to world burn from the mean girls musical <\3 anyways back to the story..., Vinx and Nami were talking about it durring the way to school. "Look who decides to show up again.... 'I think your bothering them!!'  The little furry!" "Oh!! H-h-hi..." Vinx said. "...Your mom..." "what??" Nami said. "His mom is dead right?" Vinx heart could she that so calmly..? Especially about somebody she doesn't even half know... "FEEEEEEIRRRRRAAAAAAAA" "OML Emolisha you listened to way to many songs in musicals you fucking theatre kid" Kathy, her cousin said. "I mean~ I looooove theatre..." Emolisha said... Nami questions, " you like theatre?" "OH?? UMM NO?!? NOW SHUT UP YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!" She takes out her bat and beats the shit out of Nami, Vinx is horrified... While Emolisha was just feeling kinky and yknow. Kathy just watched peacefully... "OK! we're done here! Thanks for bothering me Nami!! You know made my day even worse!!<3" Emolisha said and walked away while whispering to her cousin abt how ugly Vinx is. "N-Nami! N-n-nami.... Wake up... WAKE UP!!!!!" Laura was right behind Vinx, "What happened?" And then she looked down... "oh. Let's do something productive and call the ambulance..!" "Y-yeah!!" As Vinx looked at Laura worryingly... and then traumatized as he looked at Nami..

In the hospital

Vinx cries while starring at Nami... Laura tries to comfort vinx...the doctor came in.. "she's alive..but she's gonna be in a coma.." As Vinx's tears disappeared his frown turned into a smile and Laura is just happy that Vinx is ok and not sad.. he kisses Vinx's head softly.. Just then *Click!* As Laura looked behind no one was there. When Nani's parents came over they prayed to god that their child gets better. But then at 12:00AM sharp Nami woke and had a note beside him.. By Emolisha? "Boo." Nami got scared and it was Emolisha.. "H-huh?! Why are you here? Didn't you beat me up?" "Well~ one is to say sorry. Two, I found out you and your parents are in big debt.. "How??!!" "I put my friendliest smile and they decided to talk to me.. and they told me their in debt.." "what are you gonna do with that information?" "Nothing bad really in fact I'll give you money but with a price.. Tell me first, Is Vinx and Laura dating? Because these pictures that I've been taking are proving their is chemistry between them.." "So you were the one taking all those pictures?" Nami said.  "Why of course!" Emolisha said. And so Emolisha whispered what she has to do to gain 200 dollars per week...

 And so Emolisha whispered what she has to do to gain 200 dollars per week

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Laura x VINX ( a furry and an emo love gacha story)Where stories live. Discover now