It happened? ||TW||

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Her sadness flowed through her body, coming out through her eyes. She scribbled words down, shaking wildly and sniffling as she went. Then, she finally let go of the pencil. It was time. Her time. She put the note on the sink, and walked over to the blade. The tears streamed down her face. 

"It's too late to go back now." She admired the blade for a moment before digging it into her wrist. It hurt, but that was good. She deserved it. She was never good enough. She picked up the blade and dug it into her other wrist. She finally picked the blade up off her skin, after a while. She discarded the blade and staggered over to the bathroom. She had endured several beatings from her step-mother and step-sisters, so she was used to losing blood. She lifted herself into the bathtub, emptiness shown on her face. She turned the faucet, her arms barely able to move. "G-goodbye.." She managed, her voice barely a whisper. And just as fast as Ella had entered this world, she was gone.


"CINDERELLA!~" I shouted in unison with Anastasia. To our surprise, no answer came. I looked at mother in confusion. Why was Ella not answering? I turned my head towards Ella's door, that brat was going to pay. I stormed up the stairs and flung the door open. "CIND-!" Everything was a mess in there. Blood on the floor, crumpled paper next to her bed, etc. I found a single piece of paper on her desk, though. I walked over to her desk, and picked up the piece of paper. I finished  reading Ella's note, and couldn't believe it. I was so shocked, a scream came out of my mouth.


I heard a high-pitched scream coming from that mistake's room. I was worried, my sister was hurt by that brat, I knew it. Mother seemed to jump at that sound as well, and beckoned me to follow her. Wasting no time, I ran up the stairs three at a time after Mother.

"Drizella?! Are you ok?" I said as I came in the room right after Mother. She looked taken aback, but there was no sign of Ella. 

"Where is she?" Mother asked before I could. Drizella just stared at her.


"Sh-he..." Drizella seemed to fumble for words. She handed me a note, and Mother read over my shoulder.

"'I hate you,'" I began, reading aloud, "'This hatred has been there for a while, just sitting at the bottom of my stomach until now. Do you know how hard my life is? Do you know why I hate you?  If you're blind, you'll ask why, but I know you know why. I've tried so hard for your approval, and all you do is shun, and ridicule me. You treat me like I'm some fungus, growing in your household. You treat me like I'm not human. Drizella, you got married to someone you knew I loved. You got married to someone who you knew I would envy you for. Anastasia, you've been nothing but mean to me. You've been laughing at my every move. Step-mother, you're the reason why. You're the reason why I hate this world. So, I intend to leave this world behind. I am done. Goodbye.'" A tear fell on to the note, my tear. Mother just stood there, spacing out. After looking around in Ella's room, I noticed a trail of blood leading to somewhere. I beckoned Mother and Drizella to follow me as I ran out of the room and towards the bathroom. My heart ached. I flung the bathroom door open and I screamed. No way..


There she was, Ella, someone I was supposed to protect, not ridicule, or shun, dead. Anastasia screamed. I fell to the floor. I cried, and cried and cried. Ella, the girl who had never lived, was dead. The girl who had never had 'fun' in her life, was dead. Ella, the girl who had never really experienced love, was dead.


Well that's what I wished would've happened. Really what happened was, they laughed. They laughed at my death. They took my body and buried it in the floorboards. They never cared.


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