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Practice was done and everyone picked up and went home.

Ushijima stood behind and so did some other mates to do extra practice and Ushijima asked Tendou to take you home safe maybe sound jk just safe.

You and Tendou were walking and he was humming a song.

Y/N: What are you humming?

Tendou: Oh! Its a song I heard last night.

Y/N: Do you remember how it went?

Tendou: I remember on verse of it.  Zettai meichu zenritsuen~ Datte ima sugu~  Yaritai! Yaritai! Yaritai ooh! 

Y/N: Hey! I know that song!

Tendou: Then sing with me!

Y/N and Tendou: Asedaku de!

Y/N: Sawarasenai kimi was shoujo na no!

Tendou: Boku wa yarichin bicchi no osu dayo!!

They both stop singing and laughs.

Tendou: Wanna know what that means?

Y/N: Yeah! 

Tendou whispers in your ear and your eyes widen. 

If you know you know cause when i saw the English form I still sang it.

Y/N: Dont sing that no more Tendou! You shouldnt have told me!

Tendou: Why not your face is priceless!!

Tendou starts laughing and you look away with a mad and sad face.

Y/N: I liked that song~

Tendou looks at you.

Tendou: The zombie apocalypse is here!!

Y/N: Huh?

Tendou: Paradise! Their coming for you to make you a zombie queen!! Hurry on my back!!

You look at Tendou confuse then he winked at you.

You laugh and just on his back.

Y/N: Oh no! Their coming!!

Tendou: AHHHHHH!!

Tendou runs away and you guys laugh.

At home

Tendou walks you to your front door.

Tendou: Paradise are you busy tomorrow it is Saturday!

 Y/N: I was gonna hang out with Yachi and Kiyoko for lunch but you and me can hang out for the rest of the day!

Tendou: Yes! Thats is what I was gonna say~

Y/N: Great! Thanks Tendou! 

Tendou: Have a good night rest paradise!

Y/N: Will do!

You walk inside you house and close the door Tendou walk away.

You go to your room and jump on your bed.

Y/N: Why does he always wink at me does he like when I'm red or something!

You phone rings and you look and it was yachi.

Y/N: Yachi doesnt call me this late?

You answer it.

Y/N: Hel-

Yachi: Y/NNNNN!!


Yachi: Kiyoko wants to know if your still up for lunch tomorrow!?
Y/N: Yes! Of course I'm still up for that!

Yachi: Great! Sorry if I'm yelling to loud!

Y/N: No its fine!

Yachi: Ok! So~
Y/N: So what?

Yachi: How's you know who?~

Y/N: Yachiiii~

Yachi: Sorry~

Y/N: .....he keeps winking at me~

Yachi: ahhhhh! Just tell him already!

Y/N: I cant I'm afraid he just sees me as the girl who pretends to like him cause she feels bad, thats what everyone thinks!
Yachi: Yea but you do really like him.

Y/N: Yea~

Yachi: I'll help you tomorrow even Kiyoko will hope!

Y/N: Thanks you girls are my queens~

Yachi: I'll call you tomorrow so e ready- and no TikToks!

Y/N: Yes!

Yachi: Night Y/N!

Y/N: Night Yachi!

You girls hang up and you look at your ceiling.

Y/N:(I hope he like me back)

My Guess Monster (Tendou Satori x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now