Being A Burden

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Third person

" Hey Rebekah what's up" Jackson says as he approached her. " Not much just trying to get started on the book assignment for Mr. Edmonds class"
" Ugh not you too I'm tired of seeing all these girls faun over him he's a teacher for heaven's sake"

Rebekah's POV
Ugh are you kidding me I'm not in love with Mr Edmonds I'm in love with you for Pete's sake I can't believe this you're such an idiot I thought to myself. After that Jackson went on and on and on and on about how all the girls fawn over Mr Edmonds,
"You're just jealous because you don't have any girls falling over you" I said to him
" as if I am NOT jealous and besides the girls are all over this, and there is a certain girl have my eye on".
Are you kidding me and now I'm dead on the ground slowly dying from a broken heart please put me out of my misery I think to myself as I put on a fake facade, and question about this girl he is suddenly interested in.
"sooooo who's the special lady?"
"wouldn't you like to know. "
"Yeah I would that's why I asked you. "
"well she is smart, beautiful, and the most amazing girl in the world. "
Please someone kill me I'm already dieing. He seems to really like this girl I thought to myself while he went on and on about his mystery girl.
"So. Can I have a name?"
"Samantha Flowers, I asked her to the formal and she said yes"
"Wait we were going to go to the formal together as friends"
"Yeahhhhhhh, but it's Samantha Flowers I can't just tell her can't go because I have to take you instead I mean can you imagine that conversation. Hey Samantha about the formal can't take you, because I have to take Rebekah. No no no we're not dating we're just friends and I have to go with her cuz she's to pathetic to get a date on her own."
God this is so embarrassing he's my best friend and he's saying this. What do I do well I guess there's only one thing to do. Run. I could hear Jackson I the background yelling for me to stop, but I couldn't I wanted to, but my legs were taking me in to a different direction. I ran all the way home. Then I glanced over and saw my camera well it looks like a good time to vent.

*video diary *

Hey Jackson, I just want you to know right now I hate your slimey fucking guts. How dare you call me pathetic ME. If anyone's pathetic it's you I bet you had to get on your knees and beg Samantha to go out with you. I could get anyone I wanted to go to the formal with, but I don't want anyone I want you. Well not right now you don't you God forsaken son of a Bitch.

Well that felt good, but now I'm exhausted and I need fooddddd. *knock knock*


shit why did I come to my house the first place he would check

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