Chapter 5 - Movies

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It was the end of school the next day and I was super excited to bring Miriam over to my place. The final bell rang and I almost jumped out of my seat. walking out of the classroom, I spotted Miriam with Priya. 

"Hey guys," I said, "ready to go?"

Priya was the one to respond, "Not yet, Mei and Abby aren't here yet".

"Okay, we can just wait here then". It wasn't long before they both showed up and we were off to the bus stop. As we walked, there was a lot of casual conversation but nothing major. Although I did find out that there would be a football game this Friday. I decided that I would probably go with them as long as I wasn't a bother.

When we arrived at Mei's bus stop, we waved her off and continued to walk down the street. Turns out, Abby and Priya are neighbors and live only a street down from where we drop off Mei. So after they went inside of their houses, it was just Miriam and I left. Since we were both going to my place, we took our time walking there.

After a few minutes of silence I decided to take out my headphones and play one of my playlists. Obviously, I gave Miriam an earbud and we listened together.

I'm just gonna put a few songs here so you can listen to them/chose which one you like most. If you don't like any of them, that's no big deal, you can just listen to anything you'd like.

Surprisingly, Miriam knew the lyrics to all the songs I played which is pretty unusual. So for the rest of the walk to my house, we listened to different songs while quietly singing along. Every once in a while, our eyes would meet and we would smile at each other while singing the lyrics together. One time, we even held eyes contact for almost an entire song.

After about 20 minutes, we reached my house. No one was home because both of my parents worked so we were free to do whatever we wanted. Miriam and I got some snacks and popcorn to bring to my room and decided to watch some movies. Around the beginning of the 3rd film, I felt a head fall onto my shoulder, I glanced down at Miriam and she was looking straight back at me. I started to blush and looked back at the screen. About an hour later, I could here faint snores coming from the person leaning on me.

My parents eventually got home to which they found two sleeping girls on the sofa, noise still blaring from the TV. I was woken up by my mother who told me to send Miriam home. After waking Miriam up, I walked her home. We stopped outside once we got to her house. 

"Bye," I said. I didn't want this night to end.

"Bye" Miriam responded reluctantly.

It was then that I felt two warm arms being rapped around my torso. Pulling me into a warm hug. The embrace lasted for a long time but eventually we let go of each other. Following the hug were some more awkward goodbyes until we parted ways. 

As I walked home, I recalled the hug many times and each time I did, my cheeks would heat up slightly, thinking of when her arms wrapped around me. 'Today was great' was my last thought before going to sleep.


Hey guys, I'm back! My sincerest apologies for not writing in so long. The reason being I had two surgeries and am still recovering. Overall, I've had a busy few months. Anyway, I hope I can continue publishing more often. I do want to say however that I'm not dropping this story for the time being and still have many ideas of what might happen next. Sorry about this chapter not being very long but I have homework to do so... Bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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