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I feel the tears stream down my face before I can even take in the image before my eyes.

He had done it, he had hit her. He hit little Aubrey, innocent little Aubrey and I could feel the bile rise up my throat as my stomach churned at the sight of the small girl with a large red spot on her cheek from where he had hit her.

I could barely breath, tears choking me as I ran to her side, shielding her from the monster that towered over us with an angry glare upon his harsh features. I wrap my arms around her, comforting and whispering short 'it is okay's' to her. I held her head in my neck, rocking her slowly as I raise my head up toward the abusive man I once called my father.

"How could you! Aubrey never did anything to you! Your so sick and cruel, and I am so tired of staying in this damned house with you! I don't know why the hell Mother ever married you!" I manage to croak, searching his face for any sign of hurt or sadness at the mention of my dead mother. But all I saw was pure rage as he steps closer to us, raising his hand to slap me.

I squeeze my eyes tight together as his hard hand comes in contact to my small face, the slap stinging me and leaving my bod trembling with fear, for I knew he wasn't through with me yet.

I feel Aubrey below me, sobbing as her small body shakes. Her little head of blonde hair is messy and her face was buried in my chest, I could see a red hand mark from where Paul, our father, hit her. I lose my breath for a second when Paul kicks the air out of my lungs, bring me back from my small trance. I lurch forward as I look up towards him, my body racking with coughs as he shoves me and Aubrey across the small kitchen, sending my head into the cabinet handle.

I scream out in pain, shoving Aubrey out from under me.

"You don't ever talk back to me you hear me you little slut!" He yells, stomping out of the kitchen for a while, but I knew he would be back.

"Aubrey, baby, you have to- you have to run into your room sweetie, and close the the door, lock it, and don't let anyone in okay, unless it's me. Hide okay baby? Please, go." I whisper to her, looking deep into her bright blue eyes, losing my breath at the end. She nods and jumps up from under me, her small legs almost tripping over the other as she runs to her room down the hall.

"Hey! Where is that little bitch going?" He yells, quickly walking into the room again, but this time with a small blade of medal in his hand. I cower into the floor, his footsteps coming closer and closer. I search the room for some form of weaponry as my eyes locking with the glass bowl sitting on the table.

Maybe if I could just distract him, I could hit him with that damn bowl and we could finally get the hell out of this place.

"I said, where is she going!" He bellows, louder than before, he lowers himself to the point where our knees touch on the floor, reaching his arm out and grabbing a hold to my chin, squeezing tight. His deep green eyes held no mercy as he lets out a big breath in my face before punching me in the face.

Everything around me becomes very fuzzy, but I can make out his large figure raising up and slowly walking to the hall.

I groan in agony, my head throbbing, and my breathing short. I could feel a sharp pain in my side from where he kicked me and my face was burning as I felt blood rise to the surface of my face where Paul punched me.

Although my entire body throbbed, but I knew I didn't have much time before Paul reached and got into Aubrey's bedroom. I hauled myself off of the floor, using my arms to push myself up. I quickly wobbled over to the glass bowl, picking it up carefully.

I really hope you hurt like a bitch, dammit. I thought to myself as I eyed the bowl.

I walk as quick as I could towards the hallway, passing all the pictures of the little happy family that can only be remembered in my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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