Chapter One

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All my prayers were for nothing. Sure, I had no idea who I was praying to.. so they were more like begging. Begging to no one, as far as I could tell.

Nothing had helped. I had paid to see psychics, hell, I even tried doing some investigating of my own, which turned out really poorly. Hence the Private Investigator I'm talking with.

"I-I thought I could find her by myself. That's why..." I hesitated.

Geez, coming up with fake answers to questions is harder than I thought it'd be.

Five years ago, nearly to the day, I came home to find my siblings' nearly unrecognizable bodies piled in the middle of the living room.

I had two sisters, and a brother. They were everything to me. And then they were gone.

Suddenly I was shoved back into reality as the PI touched me on the shoulder.

I looked up, frowning slightly. "Sorry, I-"

He pulled his hand back and smiled understandingly, "I know."

I blinked. "So, where do we go from here?"

"Well, there will need to be a down payment, of course. But after that, I'll get started on your mother."

"And how am I supposed to know if you're any good? I mean, obviously you have great reviews on your website, but I'm afraid I'm going to need more than that."

He chuckled, "Thought you might ask that. That's why I always come equipped to every potential client meeting."

I waited patiently, crossing my legs and taking a sip of the tea I had ordered just ten minutes ago. Earl grey, it was my favorite.

"First of all, your family was filthy rich, but for some reason you own a half rate apartment and walk every day to your job- What do you do again?" He smiled, "Right, a secretary. Daddy cut you out of the will?"

I stood up, suddenly realizing this was a mistake. "Bullseye Mr. McKay. Now if you'll excuse me-"

He stepped in front of me. He towered nearly half a foot above my petite five six self. "Thank you, Miss Davis. Or should I say, Miss Dawson."

I cursed under my breath, then proceeded to kick him in the groin, about as hard as I could.

While he doubled over, I made my hasty retreat.

Thank God I didn't wear heels today, I always ended up tripping in them some way or another.

I glanced behind me, relieved to see he wasn't pursuing me. But I had other problems.

Yanking out my phone, I hurriedly pulled up my US marshal contact, fingers fumbling to tap the call button.

It was answered almost instantly.

"Everything ok, Miss Davis?"

"I need you to pick me up, I'm on-"

"We know where you are, Miss Davis. I'll send someone shortly. Stay on the phone, please."

"Yes." I nodded, my eyes darting around, surveying my surroundings intently.

A few moments later, to my great relief, a casual looking Subaru pulled up, the gentleman inside giving me a wave.

I stepped forward and opened the door, sliding inside and closing it behind me with a relieved sigh.

"What is it?" Special Agent Jay Lang asked, his voice in a monotone.

I was to only call in an emergency, and he knew it.

"The secrecy of my identity was breached," I said hurriedly, wanting to get it over with.

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