While in the Secret Hideout

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I did however, nearly jump out of my skin, hearing Dylan calling out my name. My eyes felt puffy, my lips felt puffy... my whole face felt puffy.

Well, this was disconcerting.

He had never seen me in such an awful state. I tried my best to wipe my face with my right hand, my glasses still off and in my left hand.

"Knock, knock... May I come in?"

I think I mentioned I was in my quiet spot behind the library by now, to cry about leaving this place. It was a small alcove covered by small trees and foliage, a bit like a tree-cave. He would have to bend very low to get in. I don't know why I answered.

"Yeah" I said, in between a few sniffs. I severely hoped he wouldn't ask me what was wrong. I really think it's stupid to ask something like that when a person is crying. You cry when you don't have the words to express your feelings. Obviously, you can't say what's wrong till your thoughts have processed themselves after the crying.

He didn't.

Instead, he pulled out his glass-wiping-cloth from his purse, took my glasses out of my hand and wiped them for me. "Here, that'll be better". I knew Dylan never used his shirt to wipe glasses. I was suddenly very aware of my soaking, wet top. Oh man. I tried to remember the colour of my bra, severely hoping it wasn't that bright yellow one that Aunt Jenna convinced me to buy since that pretty yellow dress she gifted me for my birthday simply HAD to have a matching bra. I quickly glanced at myself... It was a black one; not too bad. Then I threw a secret glance at Dylan who seemed quite concerned with his eyebrows all wrinkled. But I wasn't sure since my glasses were still in his hands and I realised I was pretty blind.

After managing to whisper a meek 'thanks', I put back my glasses on. HD vision was now activated but I could not look at Dylan again. I felt so embarrassed especially since I had particularly been crying over leaving him. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing for a few seconds. Dylan was considerate enough to wait till I was ready to talk.


That was Jimmy, my cat who had decided to join us in the alcove too. I picked up my feline friend and tickled his chin where he loved it the most. Dylan joined in. I knew Jimmy had a soft spot for Dylan, just like me. I had talked a lot about him. About Dylan to Jimmy my cat, I mean... not the other way round. Not like he'd understand. But he seemed to listen to my rantings, as long as he got petted.

When I finally managed to look at Dylan and put out a feeble smile and say "What's up?" he spoke. "You look cute when you cry, you know... Your face is all rosy and your lips look really pink and puffy". This made me give him a playful punch but also made me smile wider. "Are the water-works about your dad's transfer?"

Okay. He knew. I just hoped he didn't realise I was mostly upset about leaving him, above all other things. 

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