Sleepy after surgery

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Connor and Ava stumbled into the doctors lounge together. They had time to rest before their next surgery. Connor collapsed onto the sofa when Ava went to the mini fridge.
"How long until of next surgery?"
"About 2 and a half hours" Ava called from the fridge.
"Jesus" he sighed. They'd just done a heart transplant and been on their feet for hours.
Ava returned from the fridge with two energy bars and two bottles of water.
"What are you doing" she questioned seeing Connor hunched over.
"Pray for an uneventful two and a half hours so we can sleep' Connor said sitting up again.
"And for an uneventful two and a half hours because we want no one to get hurt"
Ava handed him a water and a bar.
"Thanks, yeah, for the good of the patient" Connor added.
The pair munched in their bars in silence on the sofa.
"You were throwing some great stitches back their" Connor complimented her.
"You too, hopefully our next surgery involves shorter hours" Ava said feeling sleep starting to take over.
"Mhm" Connor sighed in agreement, his eyelids getting heavy.

Connor woke up from his nap two hours later, feeling groggy with sleep. As he became away of his surroundings he realised his cheek was resting on the top of Ava's head, and his hand had hooked under her knees, pulling them into his lap.
Connor gazed down at a still sleeping Ava, she looked so still and calm like this, not feisty Ava that he was used to. Her hands however were balled into little fists with one resting on his chest. Connor rubbed her back with his free hand, wanting her to get as much sleep as she could, knowing how irritable she could be without it.
Taking a deep breath he could smell that intoxicating lilac perfume that she wears, with a mix of the smell of hand sanitiser from the hospital.

Ava moves her head in her sleeping, shifting into the bend of Connors neck. Feeling safe in his warmth. Ava's eyes slowly fluttered open, feeling the warm smell of cologne under her nose. Smiling at the smell as she began to remember where she knew it from, flashing her eyes open. "Connor" she breathed sleepily, her hands still against his chest.
"Hey, Ava. We still have a half an hour to the surgery" he said calmly trying not to panic her.
"Yeah. Yeah, the surgery" Ava rubbed the sleep from her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.
She swung her legs off of Connor lap, shifting uncomfortably on the sofa.
"We must have gotten cold" she suggested as an explanation.
Ava wasn't sure what had happened first, her placing her hand on Conner chest, him pulling her knees to him, her resting her head in the crock of his neck, him rubbing her back. "It didn't really matter in the end" she told herself.
"Yeah we got cold" Connor assured her with a smile. Getting up from the sofa he picked up Ava bottle and handed it to her. "Let's go sleepy head" he said pulling Ava up from the sofa.

A/n: So I figured I'd post a happy chapter today as well since I gave you "Getting back to normal" 😬
Both of these stories will be on the back burner while I finish "mistakes of our past", that's still my top priority.

There will be a plot to this story, but a lot of the chapters will be sort of one shorts. So if you have any suggestions feel free to comment.

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